Chapter 7: Everything's Alright

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Mark's POV

I felt bad that y/n had to see that happen. It made me want to punch those stupid crooks in their faces. The problem was, we didn't even know who they were. Were they girls? Were they boys? Were they a mixture of the two? We'll probably never know.
"Y/n, it's okay..." I heard Jack tell y/n. She sniffed, and looked up at him.
"You really think so?" She asked. He smiled in a warm tone.
"Yes." He said. I'm totally not jealous. Maybe not. Maybe. Ok, yes, yes I am jealous. Very. Maybe too much.

Jack's POV

I rubbed y/n's back as she let out a few more of her depressing sniffs and sobs. Mark stared at us in disgust.
"Oh, I guess you're her superman, huh?" Mark asked me as he crossed his arms. I shrugged and looked at him.
"N-no...I mean, it's her choice." I replied in defense. Y/n took a deep breath.
"Guys...don't you dare fight anymore." She warned us. Mark was about to say something, but stopped and nodded in defeat.
"Ok..." Mark and I gave up. Y/n smiled, and nodded.
"Good. Now here's what we can do..."

Your POV

...we can go out to eat lunch, since it's about 12:00 pm." I told Mark and Jack. They 'oohed', and nodded happily. I took both their hands, and we walked towards the door.

At a restaurant

We sat at a booth, and we all waited for a waitress. One walked up to us, and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Sydney and I'll be your server for today. What can I get you guys for drinks?" The waitress named Sydney asked warmly. We all smiled at her.
"I'll have a water." I said.
"I'll have a root beer." Mark told Sydney.
"And I'll have a cup of tea." Jack finished our order of drinks, and Sydney wrote it all down.
"Okay, I'll be back with your drinks... Then you can order!" Sydney chirped, walking away, her high, light brown ponytail swishing back and forth.
"She seemed nice." I said, smirking to myself. After a while, Sydney came back with our drinks.
"Heeere ya go!" She said, placing our drinks down. "So, what'dya wanna eat?" She asked us.
"I'll have f/f." I said.
"I'll have a quiche." Mark told her.
"And I'll have waffles with syrup." Jack chirped. Sydney smiled and nodded, walking off.

After about  fifteen minutes, our food came. Sydney didn't say anything, she just had a big ol' smile plastered on her tanned face. We thanked her, and she squealed, and walked off.

After we ate...

We walked outside, and Mark smiled.
"Felix!" He yelled, running across the street. Jack sighed, and grabbed my hand, as we ran across, too. The so-called 'PewDiePie' was there!
"'Sup, Mark, Jack! And...who are you?" He asked me.
"Oh, I'm y/n. Y/n l/n. My YouTube channel is yt/c." I explained. Felix smiled.

"It's nice to meet you!" He chirped, shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you, too!" I replied, smiling.
"It was nice to see you, Felix, but we gotta get going." Mark said, grabbing my hand.
"Oh, ok. Bye!" Felix hollered, as we walked away from each other.

Time skip to 12:00 am (1:00)

Me, Mark, and Jack stayed up super late, binge-watching different t.v shows. Even though all we consumed was chips and soda, we had fun. Lots of it.
"Hey, *ahem* Mark? Jack?" I called out. They both looked at me.
"Yeah?" They asked.
"Am I your best friend?" I asked. They chuckled.
"Yes." Mark assured me.
"Of course." Jack chirped.

I wrapped them up into a giant hug, and we all felt very tired.

A/N: HELLO MAH PEEPS! I've made a rule for myself: all chapters must be at least 500 words long. So if some chapters are sorta short, and some are sorta long, and it bothers you, I apologize. Also, ITS MAH BIRTHDAY! I am so happy!

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