Chapter 2

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The next day I had 2 classes and Harry was in both of them, doing the same thing he did yesterday except he kept smirking when he turned around. My neck was still tender, it started to turn pinkish purple, this morning but I hid it with my hair down. When the last class ended, I headed out the door.

"Trying to hide your mark babe?" I heard from behind me, making my heart jump from hearing that deep raspy voice. I ignored him, cause I didn't want to talk to him at all, I didn't even know him. Except his name. He grabbed my hand as he pulled me to where he was.

"Is this your new girl Styles? She's quite the girl," another guy said as he walked by looking at me then back at Harry.

"Fuck off !" His voice shouted out becoming more strong. I winced as he reminded me of him, His eyes then shot towards me. He then suddenly reacted and punched then wall, making a hole in it.

 The guy came back acting like he can take him on.

" Don't you see," He said pulling my hair back revealing his mark.

"Well, don't be to sure that she's forever yours.." he said walking away. He's right what if "Him" comes back to find me and hunt me down, like he did already once.

He spoke into my ear, "Your mine, and only mine you remember that.. I'll come by in a few days to take you out" He growled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I quickly wiped it off. Who is he to tell me who I can be with or not. He left me there, just standing as he left not able to have a say in him picking me up, or where i even live!

"Hey!" a soft voice said. It was Elizabeth. What a relief.

"Hey," I waved. "Could I ask you a question?"

"Sure thing, ask me anything," She said smiling as we walked together to our cars.

"Who's this Harry Styles?"

"Harry Styles, oh him.." Her smiling fading away " He is a very mysterious boy, but he takes things seriously, when he gets a girl she's his and no one else's, his friends are very dangerous they are like part o this gang so to say. I warn you to not even get close."

"So why are you asking about him?"

" Oh, I am just wondering..." I said not wanting her to know what had happened yesterday. As we both got into our cars. 

 ( 3 Days later )

Its been 3 days since I've seen Harry, Thank God! So I decided to research his gang to get to know him better, apparently he is a murder. Many people are scared of him and his group, they are very dangerous.

At that moment I heard a knock at the door, I walked down stairs towards the door. I peeped through the peep hole, and saw it was Harry. I took one deep breath trying to pretend I wasn't here.

"I know your in there Babe," he said from behind the door banging the door with his fist.

I didn't move a muscle.

"Open up!" He growled, I quickly opened the door.

"That's better," he smirked 

"What do you want?!" I growled back

"Mmm, I've got a feisty one.. I like it" He smiled. Walking himself into my flat, with no consent. Dressed in a black T-shirt and some jeans.

"Your coming with me, go pack a bag, and wear something nice," His eyes pierced into me like he could control me.

"No, I don't want to go anywhere with you!" I yelled. His eyes seemed to get darker, as his facial features became more rough.

"What?! Did you say?" His voice got stern and raspy stepping closer to me.

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