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The day starts out like any other day. Noah wakes Liv up by jumping on her and saying,"Mommy I school you work."
Liv jumps up and says,"Yes baby. Let's make you some breakfast. Mhm what does that tummy of yours want?"
Noah whispers to his stomach making Liv laugh and he says,"My stomach wants chocolate chip waffles with strawberries on it."
"Alright let's go."
Liv gets up grabs Noah and puts him over her shoulder making him laugh while walking to the kitchen. Liv sets Noah down on the counter and makes him breakfast. Once they are done eating Liv says,"Let's get you dressed."
"Can I pick out my clothes mommy?"
"Sure baby."
Noah runs to his room to pick out his while Liv gets her clothes ready. Liv goes to Noah's room and helps him put on his clothes that surprisingly match. Once he is dressed they go to the bathroom and brush his teeth and hair. Once Noah is completely ready Liv says,"Go watch tv until mommy is ready okay."
"Okay mommy," Noah says and runs to the living room to watch tv.
Liv gets dressed, brushes her teeth, brushes her hair, and puts on makeup. When she is finished she goes to the living room and says,"Noah grab your backpack and put on your shoes."
"Okay mommy."
Noah turns the tv off, grabs his backpack, and puts on his shoes while Liv grabs her bags and puts her shoes on. When Liv checks that they have everything then she takes Noah's hand and they walk to the car. Liv sets her stuff in the from seat while Noah gets in and puts his stuff beside him. Liv buckles him up, closes his door, then gets in her seat, buckles up, closes her door, and drives to Noah's preschool. When they get to the school Noah gets out and says,"Bye mommy."
"Come give mommy some kisses."
Liv opens her door and Noah goes to his moms door and gives her a hug and kiss. "Goodbye sweet boy behave okay. I love you. I'll be by to pick you up at 4 if not aunt Amanda will okay."
"Okay mommy. I love you mommy. Goodbye mommy."
Liv closes her door and watches Noah walk into the school then she drives away. When Liv gets to the precinct she gets out with her bags, locks the car, and walks inside to the elevator. She gets to the squad room and Amanda says,"Liv there's a guy in your office. He says he's your brother."
"Okay thanks," Liv says thinking what could Simon want now.
She walks into her office and sure enough Simon is on the couch. She sets her bags down on her desk and says,"What do you want Simon?"
"I need you to take custody of Olivia and Ty for a few months."
"I can't. I'm sorry but I just can't."
"Why can't you?"
"Because I barely have time for my own son. I can't take another two."
"You have a son?"
"Yes, you would have known that if you bothered to answer my texts or calls."
"Well don't you have a boyfriend or husband?"
Liv tears up and stutters out,"N-No. He-He's the product-product of my-my rape. I-I was raped-raped almost five-five years ago-ago."
At this point Liv is crying and Simon says,"I'm really sorry Olivia. I didn't know. Do you know someone who can take them for a few months. Tracy and me are divorcing and she is trying to get sole custody but if neither of us have custody my lawyer said it will be harder for her to get custody."
"Try Fin. He has plenty of room and time," Liv says wiping her tears.
"Okay thanks Liv. Again I'm really sorry."
"It's okay. Talk to you soon hopefully," Liv says writing down her number and handing it to Simon.
Simon smiles and Liv smiles back. Once Simon leaves her office Liv gets to doing paperwork. Her and the team do paperwork all day. It's now 3:30 and Elliot comes into Liv's office and says,"Do you want me to come with you to get Noah? You look tired-"
   Luv cuts him off and says,"Say no more. If you drive you can come but we are taking my car."
   "Okay boss. Let's go get Noah before he gets worried."
   They walk down to Liv's car and El has a feeling they are being watched but doesn't say anything. When they get in and start the car, the doors lock and knock out gas fills the car and they can't get the doors open. "Liv I need you to know that I love you," El barely gets out.
   "I love you too El," Liv gasps out before they both fall unconscious.
   When they wake up it is 4 and they are in a room with no windows but has everything they need. The room has a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, dinning room, groceries on the table, and extra beds. They understand all except the extra beds because who ever took them wants them alive and this is their way of keeping them alive. "El where are we?"
   "I don't know Liv. I do know that I will get us out of here. I promise."
   They find a clock and it read 4:00. "Noah is going to worry," Liv tells El.
   El takes her in his arms and says,"What number do you have as the emergency number?"
   "Then Amanda will get him. Noah will be okay."

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