Well, This Changes Everything....

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     I woke up, feeling my resentment drain away.  I remembered that I, too, wanted blood. I shouldn't be so hard on them. I feel really bad, maybe they WERE different from father... I ran out of my room crying. "Onii-Chans!" I cried. They all appeared. I hugged them, causing them all to be alarmed. "I'm so sorry!" I cried. They patted my head. "It's ok. We understand how you could fell upset. What made you feel so sorry?" Laito asked. "I-I don't know. I guess I just felt...bad. I was mean to my only family for something that's more instinct than anything else! I'm REALLY sorry! Please forgive me!" I sobbed. They all sighed. "Of course we'll forgive you. We were in the wrong, so it's you who should be forgiving us. Which, by the way, I am glad you did." Reiji smiled down at me. I nodded. "But this means that now we have to do brother-sister stuff!" They raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh? And what would that be?" Laito asked. "Ummm, play games, go to the park, eat ice cream, WITH SPRINKLES!" I sighed. All six erupted with laughter. "You know, I forgot you were still a kid, since you beat the crap out of me...." Ayato chuckled. I looked to the floor. "Sorry about that..." I sighed. He ruffled my hair. "Naw, it's fine. It makes me happy to know you can handle yourself." I smiled. "If my Onii-Chan thinks so, I guess that's ok!" He laughed and threw me on his shoulders. I guess they weren't such bad brothers after all....maybe.... depends on how much ice cream we get... 

Third Person POV:

     "So, we've arranged for everything?" Reiji asked. Subaru nodded. "Yes, and Laito and Ayato are out stalling her now." Reiji smiled. He couldn't believe she had forgotten her own birthday, it made him quite upset. It had been about a month since they's made up, and things were perfect. She still had her tantrums, but they didn't last very long. They had given Yui back to the church and gotten a new bride, just to make her happy. She was really the only light in their lives, the only reason they actually got along....

     "So, where are we going?" Kayla asked Laito. He put his fedora on her head and lifted her onto his back. "Well, we're going to the ice-cream stand, then to the park." He smiled. He could feel her excitement with every cheer. "Well, do you know what today is, Kayla?" Ayato asked. She thought for a moment. "Saturday?" He sighed. "Yes Kayla, it's Saturday...." The girl smiled, thinking she'd answered correctly. The two brothers sent each other glances of sorrow. She didn't even remember her own birthday, how bad was life for her? Was it as bad as theirs? They really hoped not....

Kayla's POV:

     I waltzed up the steps of the house, carrying my red balloon with me. "We're home!~" Laito called. Reiji appeared out of nowhere and blindfolded me. "I-It's dark!" I wailed flailing my arms around. "Relax Kayla, I'm right here...." Laito sighed grabbing my hand. I clung to it like it was my lifeline. The blindfold was removed to reveal decorations everywhere. "SURPRISE!" The six brothers shouted as I blinked, adjusting to the new light. "What's with the party? Is it somebody's birthday?" They all chuckled. "Yes, yours." Subaru sighed ruffling my hair. I squinted my eyes. "Nope. I think I would remember my own birthday..." They shook their heads. "Alright then, when is your birthday?" Ayato asked with a smirk. I thought for a minute. "Ummm, not today..." I responded in a high-pitched voice. "Darn it! Ok, so maybe I can't remember, but how did YOU find out if even I don't know...."They grinned. "We simply asked father." I shivered at the mention of father. "Anyways, come enjoy the party, Kay." Shu smiled bringing me over to his couch. He snapped a party hat to my head, and gave me his gift. It was...a pair of bat earbuds. "Aww!" I cooed. He grinned as he pulled out a headphone splitter. "Now, we can listen to music together." I nodded. "Mhm!" He chuckled at my little happy face. "My turn!~" Laito sighed. he pulled out a little fedora, identical to his. "WOW!" I gasped. he slipped it onto my head. "Now, you can always wear a little fedora, just like me." He winked. I hugged him. "Yeah, but I'll look cuter!" I grinned. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Is that so?" I nodded as I did my puppy dog eyes. "Wh-why? Do you not think I'm cute?" He panicked. "U-Umm....n-no! You're adorable!" He sighed. I smiled and hugged him. "Now me." Kanato smiled. He took out a small teddy bear. My eyes widened as I examined it thoroughly. "It's....SO CUTE!" I cried squeezing it. He chuckled and gave me a hug. "Glad you like it, Teddy said you would..." I smiled. "Well tell Teddy I said thank you." He nodded with a smile. Ayato picked her up onto his shoulders. "My turn." He pulled out....a red scarf, just like his." I giggled, realizing that each one was giving me something of theirs, but different. Now, it was Subaru. He pulled out a locket. It contained a picture of me with all six of them. I smiled happily as he put it on. Finally, we have Reiji. He handed me a little tea set. I smiled. "Now you have to have tea parties with me." He grinned. "One lump, or two?" I couldn't help but smile. Everything was great, until HE came in....

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