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Here is some  writing

Spotify's mood playlist Melancholia

And i wondered after you left
How long you'd stay bitter
What you'd tell your mother
Were you still my sister
Those same songs on repeat
This was you leaving me

We both said we saw the hand of God in the sky that night,
Did he know we were destined to drift away?
Was it he who let us wander

To be a puppet on a string was easy
There were no questions, no need for control
Breaking free was painful
How do I stand alone?

It is the in between moments,
The ones where we are almost honest and where we almost hide truth,
The moments where we were almost lovers, almost nothing,
The moments between fine and broken,
It is in these moments we exist, with a constant pull to the other.

I reached out for you but you were gone
Mountains between us,
Words you wouldn't say deepening the valleys

The hardest lesson to learn is that you can force nothing
You cannot make the seasons change or the sun shine
You cannot make them love you
The earth chooses to spin, they choose to fall,
Sometimes it feels the earth spins in reverse.

I knew as she spoke you would have loved to hear what she said,
Then I remembered there was too much left unspoken between us.
I am sorry.

It is easy to fall into something and call it love.
Lust, need, loneliness, they all exist in places in us
Darkness craves light to devour

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