3. Meet Max

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Its been two month since I started school, I may say I've actually missed the sweet torture of waking up at five o'clock in the morning, having breakfast and then heading to school.

School has been fun, I really like it actually. These days have been great, I've met new people, I get to do things other than seat on my room and read for hours. Don't get me wrong I love reading but seating everyday at that same spot reading the same old books could get pretty boring.

It's Sunday morning, and here I am reading the same book I read every time. The thing is I don't have plans for today, well I never do, I just seat here all by myself and read.

I also love to paint, it's a stress reliever. Painting helps me to express what I feel or what I want to say but I just can't.

Writing is another passion of mine, I really like to write.

[knock, knock, knock]
-Ari? Are you awake sweetie- I heard my mother say.

-I am, come join me in my tedious loneliness.- I said dramatically.

-I would but I have things to do and so do you.- she said pointing at me with her finger.

-Oh no!-

-Oh yes! I have to go, breakfast is on the kitchen counter as well as the grocery list and some money.-

-What have I done to get this kind of punishment? Tell me woman!- I said putting my hand dramatically on my forehead.

-I love you little freak.-

-I love you more.- with that she left.

I hate to buy groceries, it's just so boring and I just hate being with all this people in a closed place.


Im hungry, and there is nothing to eat. This is perfect, just perfect.

I went to my room, my closet specifically and grabbed some skinny jeans, a loose white shirt and my grey pair of sneakers.

I took a quick shower, threw my clothes on, applied a natural looking makeup and I'm ready to go.

While driving to the grocery store I realized I've forgotten the freaking list my mother gave me. So I'm heading back home to get the list and buy what we need.

After a while I finally made it to the grocery store.

I was there trying to reach some cereal but it was too high, when suddenly I felt a big body push mine into the shelf and then hand me the cereal box.

-Thanks, but I was totally in control of the situation.- I looked at the person who helped me, realizing it was Jake from my English class.

-Whatever you say princess.- he said staring at his phone.

-Hey Ja...- I was interrupted by some other guys at the end of the hall.

-Jake! Bro! Hurry I'm hungry.- the brunette guy said.

-Jake, it's me Ariadne.- I said looking up at him.

He gave me a irritated gaze and ignored me, as if I wasn't there. He walked past me and went with his friends.

-Such an idiot.- I whispered to myself, turning around bumping into somebody else.

-Hey! What did I do to deserve such contempt coming from you?- a familiar voice said.

-Max! Sorry. I was just... never mind.-

Max is Emma's best friend. He is a great person, I really like to spend time with these freaks.

-Good evening milady.- he said bowing.

-What are you doing here? Are you alone?-

-I'm just buying some stuff for dinner. It's my mother's birthday.-

-Is it really? Why didn't you tell me?-

-Well I was actually heading to your house after buying the things we need.-

-Does Emma know?- I asked curiously.

-She is helping me with the surprise party.- he said running his hand through his hair.

-Well I will finish buying the groceries and I'll see you there.-

-The party starts around 7:00 to 7:30.-

-My mother would be so happy.- Max said giving me a hug before leaving.
-Bye, see you there.-

After thirty minutes of tedious grocery shopping I was finally heading home.

Since its Meredith's birthday I decided to make her a little special sweet surprise. Have I mentioned that I love cooking? Specially desserts, every kind, every flavor, every color; I just enjoy it so much.

Now I'm heading to Max's place to surprise his mother Meredith.

I finally arrived, I went to the backyard and found Max and his family getting everything together for the party.

-Ari! Hey!-

-Oh hey Emma. Do you need any help?-

-Put that in the dessert table.- Emma said pointing at the pecan pie I brought for Meredith.

-Everyone ready! She's coming!- I heard a black haired guy say.


-Oh my God! This is so beautiful!-

She had this smile on her face that made her eyes brighter. Cm

Today was really fun, I can't take out of my head the image of Meredith smiling, she looked so happy.

Looking at people being happy makes me feel happy. She was really happy.

-Happy birthday Margaret.- I said while hugging her.

-I'm so glad you came Ari, and this pecan pie is absolutely delicious.- she said with that smile that irradiated happiness.

-My pleasure Mer, Max told me it was your favorite.-

-I love pecan pie, but yours is the best so far.-

-Well im really glad you like it.-

-Thank you, now go enjoy the party with your friends.-

Meredith looked so happy, I'm so glad she enjoyed her birthday. Her smile irradiated so much happiness it made me happy.

I'm having a great time but I feel really tired and I have school tomorrow so I better go.

I walked towards Meredith to say goodbye, but like the clumsy person I am, I tripped with one of Max's cousins toys, and pushed a guy that because of me poured his own drinks all over himself.

-I-I'm really, really sorry.- I said nervously.

-Oh no! This was my favorite shirt.- he said with a sad expression on his face.

-I'm sorry that I ruined it.-


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