3 Days

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Day 1:

Connor came over after school. We walked down to the beach hand in hand, there were no obstacles. We sat in the car and made out a few times. Gross. I know. He had soft lips, I loved them. I loved him. But I still haven't told him. Something in the way he looked at me told me that he already knew. Good. He deserves much better than I csn give him, but if he stays I am very grateful.

Day 2:

Connor came over after school. He stayed for dinner, and I think my mom really likes him. He was so polite and soft spoken. He complimented her cooking and our house and thanked her for her amazing hospitality. He helped clean up after we ate and sat with us to watch my mom's favorite shows even though they were boring. He kissed me goodnight and drove home. I was falling in love more and more everyday.

Day 3:

Connor doesn't show up. I thought it was fine, he wasn't obligated to come see me everyday. I called him, though, just to make sure he was okay. There was no answer. I called again a few hours later, no answer. Again, no answer. I called before I went to bed, no answer. I was probably annoying him, and I felt so bad about that. He said, though, he said that he would come over everyday, and I'm assuming he would tell me if he was annoyed. He's a very open boy with me. Eventually I fell asleep to the sound of ambulance sirens outside my window.

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