Quotes 1

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"I cry, not cut"

"Anything can be forgiven, with enough time."

"Hey, if you made the mistake, be a brave person and say you did wrong. It'll be better in the end."

"Everything's gonna end at some point -- so have fun while it lasts, bud."

"If you broke it, you buy it, so they say. So if you break my heart, you've bought me. There's no promise I'll stay or you'll live, though."

"What's all this doom and depression in the twenty-first century? Shouldn't we be celebrating that we're not dead?"

"I'm a kick-ass rock 'n roll chick. But I was born into the wrong age."

"I'm nice, crazy, random, mean, snarky, country, and I wear clothes. Your point is?"

"People say I'm weak because I'm skinny, short, and I wear pink. Be glad that comment doesn't piss me off. Watch out for the silent and weak ones. We bite."

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