Opinions on stereotyping

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You may be thinking 'Oh joy, another rant.' Yes, another rant. Shut up and read.

Stereotypes. What. The. Hell. I'll admit, I do sometimes stereotype people, yes. We all do. But my God, picking on people and smothering the world in it? Fuck no!

I am a white, bi, Irish-American, musician/dancer, so according to the stereotypes, I MUST be a prejudicial drunk who MUST want to sleep with everyone I meet. People that know me and DON'T stereotype me? They know that's exactly OPPOSITE of who I am! I don't judge, I don't drink, and I do not mess around in bed with ANYONE! (Hell, I'm still a virgin!)

So this is what pisses me off really badly. People are tossed around, stepped on, mistreated, and abused because of some fucking idiot who judge by things that person can't control, and not by WHO THAT PERSON IS!!! What the hell, people? What the hell.

So STOP stereotyping people you don't even know, and get to know them! And if you're a victim of stereotyping, just look them in the eye and tell them to piss off, and walk away. If they pursue, ignore. Violence? While I don't encourage it, if they attempt to attack you, lay it into them. But only do that if there's no other option!

So, to end my rant on a somewhat calmer level, I will say this.

Twenty-first century, you piss me off and severely disappoint me.

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