Archeological Reminiscience

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I have sung too long

And laughed too loud

With the ghosts

Who sleep between the pages

Of worn out books

              We used to read

              So long ago

Who slip within

vintage photos

And blur the features

              Of people I don't even know

              Nor recall

Who crouch atop 

Worn antiques

             That were once cherished

             And seen like relics

            Of a time long long gone

It is so hard

To look back

When I am in this sea

Of matters so familiar

They suddenly seem


A callus for a soul

A piece of hate lodged between

Other feelings

I am not a good Catholic

But a doe-eyed hypocrite

Who can illuminate a church

In times of need

Nor am I a nostalgic dreamer

But a madwoman looking for

Graves that no longer stand

The dead are holes

That bloom all over

Making us feel


I can play with mirrors

And clocks

Tint my reality

With mirages of a heyday

That might not have

Fully existed

Which sometimes

Makes me wonder

If all this time

I have been chasing

Something does not



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