Chapter 25 - New directions

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“OK, so I have a proposition for you and I want you to hear me out and at least consider it before you just say no,”  Jake said as I took a bite out of my quiche of the day in the little coffee shop downstairs in our building.

Jake had taken me out for lunch again, two days after I’d started taking my life back.  I was almost back to being my old self, laughing more often these days and thinking of Dean less. 

“Spill, Jake,” I smiled at him after taking a sip of my fresh orange juice.  “You’re as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof and I’m rather worried you might choke on your chicken pie soon.”

“Ha-ha,” Jake grinned at me.  I was surprised at how easy things were between us nowadays, though I’d never go back to being anything more than friend to him.  “So, you’ve told me about being taken off the Parker campaign, right?”

I nodded, wondering where this conversation was leading.

“Knowing you, it must have dampened some of your enthusiasm for the marketing game at Mojo.  I’ve hopefully got the solution for you.  I’ve been asked by Adam, my boss, to make you an offer to join Global Marketing’s staff.”  Jake watched me intently and as I opened my mouth to tell him no, he quickly placed a hand on top of mine to stop my words.

“Don’t just say no, Jessie.  Think about it first.  We know how good you are at what you do and it’s a crying shame that Mojo has been unable to recognize it.  The position we want to offer you comes with a salary hike, a bigger office and the title of head of our marketing department.”  Jake stroked the top of my hand on which his still lay, while looking at me with a pleading expression on his face.  “Think about it, Jes.  You would have your own assistant and be the one giving the orders, not taking them.  Best of all, you’d be working side-by-side with me on major projects, the way we used to do,” he winked at me, grinning.

I sat stunned.  I never saw this one coming. 

“Please Jessie,” Jake pleaded as he brushed his thumb over my hand again in an effort to put more sincerity into his proposal.  “Just think about it.  I don’t need your answer today.  Take a week, way your options.  This is not about stealing Mojo’s clients through you, believe me.  We simply want your talented mind on our team.  I know you are loyal to Mark and knowing you I can understand why, but this is your chance to move up in the world on your own merit and Mark is the last person who would hold you back from making a name for yourself bigger than you already have.” 

I sat staring at Jake, taking in his unexpected words and thinking them over.  Ok, so why was I not just saying no straight to his face right now?  Because deep down my heart was seeing this as a way to get away from the last bit of Dean still left in my life, the bit I see every day at Mojo.

The bit still killing me every day. 

“I’ll think about it, Jake”, I said before taking the last bite of my food and chewing it slowly.

He sat back in his chair, smiling at me.  “That’s all I ask, Jes.”

Yes, maybe there was another way to truly take back my life.  But I’d really have to be sure about my choice.


A bouquet of roses was waiting for me on my desk after my morning meeting with Mark the next day.  Surprised, I took the card with a smile, thinking that Jake was doing his best to woe me over to the dark side.  Except it wasn’t from Jake… 

I know I hurt you and I’m really sorry, Jes. Please forgive me for being an idiot. Dean

My mouth dropped and I had to read the card again to be sure I read it right the first time.  Why now?  After everything he said to me, the rejections, the heartbreak - NOW he wants me to forgive him?  Oh hell no! 

I was taking my life back, happy to forget about him and the pain he caused.  I was not inviting the reason for that pain back into my life now, just because he suddenly decided I was worth his time again. 

No, I’m sorry.  I was so done with this.

I grabbed the flowers off my desk and walked over to Annie in reception.  “If you want this, you can have it,” I told her, shoving the flowers in her arms.  “If not, throw it away.  I just don’t want it.”  I started walking away, before a thought struck me.  “And if he sends me any more, just send them right back, ok?” Annie nodded with a mouth hanging open and eyes as wide as saucers at my sudden outburst, while hugging her flowers.

I walked back to my office in a huff, angry that Dean could think I would take him back now, after everything he put me through.  I will not be bought with some dumb flowers!

Only it didn’t stay with just the one bunch of flowers.  Dean had launched a full on onslaught, trying to win me back.

Texts, emails, voice messages, more flowers - even gifts.  The texts and messages I deleted, the flowers and gifts I’d sent back.

“I don’t understand, Shar.”  We were sitting in my office for a quick chat.  “First he cuts all ties with me, now he suddenly wants me back?  Why?  All he wants is another roll in the hay.”

“I don’t know, Jessie, but the man sure is determined,” Sharon said as she fingered Dean’s latest gift – a beautiful letter opener with a hand-carved rose wood handle, currently lying in its box on my desk.  At least he knows better than to try and buy me with jewelry.

“I don’t care what his motives are,” I huffed.  “I’m done with him.  After Jake I’d promised myself I wouldn’t let myself be hurt by a man again.  But Dean hurt me worse than Jake ever did.  I don’t want to go through that again.”

“I know, my friend,” Sharon smiled a sad smile at me.  “I don’t know why he’s suddenly changed his mind, but I am happy that he did.”

I pinned her with a death glare.

“What?” she shrugged, not even flinching from the look I was giving her.  “You were good together.  You know it and I know it.  Yes, he hurt you, but he’s trying to reach out to you, to make things right.”

“Urgh,” I groaned.  “Well, I’m not interested in him making things right.  He can just go fu…”

 “Ok, ok, let’s change the subject,” Sharon interjected my verbal diarrhea.  “So, are you going to the awards on Saturday?”

The Cape Chamber of Commerce had their annual awards dinner this Saturday and we were up for a marketing award on two of our projects, as were Global for one of theirs.  Jake and I had decided to split a taxi and go together, though we’ll be sitting at separate tables during the awards - being rivals and all.

“Yes, I’m going with Jake.”

Sharon lifted an eyebrow at my comment.

“As friends, Shar, only as friends.  Not going down that road again, you know that.”

“Good,” she smiled at me.  “Do you have a dress yet?”

I felt my face fall.  I forgot I needed an evening dress.  Sharon read the emotions running riot on my face and waved her hands in the air in a dismissive action.  “Chill, bestie.  I’ve got it covered.  I have a few evening gowns in my cupboard; you can just come pick one after work.  I have my dress already.”

“Ok, thanks,” I smiled at my best friend.  “Now get out of my office so I can finish my work!”  I heard Sharon laughing all the way down the hall back to her office.

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