Chapter 1 - Sitting in traffic (edited)

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A/N: Hi guys! This my first try for a full length story, so please send constructive comments and vote if you find it interesting? I'm currently editing, starting from the first chapters. I had some tense (present/past) issues, which I am editing out, as well as checking for spelling, etc. If you like the story, please vote to keep it in the ratings? Thank you!!! Cape Town Hugs.



"If you don't leave now you'll be late!" my mom Julie called to me as I hurriedly checked my reflection in the mirror one last time.

"This is as good as it's going to get", I thought, smoothing my tight bun and adjusting my glasses.

Grabbing my handbag and keys, I ran downstairs and out the door to my car, grabbing an apple on the way. I might not have a high class job such as a lawyer or a doctor, but as a personal assistant at a marketing company I had a great boss and I enjoyed the work. Even though my mom tried her best to sway me into a job with a salary to match my love of shoes, I just didn't see myself being anything but the professional, efficient, if somewhat boring PA I've grown to be.

I honestly loved being in the administration game. Weird, I know. I mean, who wants to sit and type letters and answer phones all day? I did, it seemed. Strictly speaking my work was way more interesting than that... I mean, it was a marketing company after all! So you could imagine that with the "boring job" came the look... you know - the glasses, hair in a bun, pencil skirts. My hair was red, well... more auburn, and slightly frizzy in humid weather, which was why I preferred the bun. My glasses hid my green eyes and light freckles, as I rarely wore my contacts.

My only extravagance on my outfits were my shoes... pretty, dainty, colorful - whatever I needed to give me a boost in a day. The guys in the office had bets going as to how many pairs I actually owned. Perhaps there was a message in there somewhere, but I simply refused to acknowledge it just yet.

I quickly maneuvered my way out of the residential area and onto the highway that would take me to my job in the city. Traffic was a bit of a drag in the mornings, so I liked to entertain myself with my other love –music. Tuning my radio to my favorite local station, I cranked up the volume and started singing along with the tune blaring out of the speakers of my older model, converted, red VW Beatle.

Just as I reached a particularly catchy part of one of my favorite songs, I saw it slightly in front of me in the next lane... my dream car! I had a huge, HUGE crush on the Ford Fiesta 1600 sport... in ice blue. There was just something about the thought of driving that sporty model in exactly that color that gave me goose bumps. I even had a nail polish in ice blue that I wore on my toes as a reminder... sigh! I found myself staring at the car, dreaming... unaware that the traffic and I had moved to the point where I was now next to my dream car until I realized that someone was staring right back at me.

I gulped... shoot, the car was gorgeous, but the owner... even better! Though he was wearing sunglasses as he was looking at me and grinning at my being caught staring, I could see that he was really good looking in a rugged kind of way, with broad shoulders, short dark hair and a nice tan. I immediately started wondering about the color of his eyes now obscured by the sunglasses... were they brown, blue? Somewhere in the back of my mind I realized that he looked somewhat familiar, too.

The traffic started to move again and I found myself releasing the breath I hadn't even realized I'd been holding. I suddenly hoped I would see him, I mean the car, again tomorrow! The Ford stayed in front of me now until I turned off of the highway to the exit I took into town and my place of work.

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