Chapter 12 - Taking a walk (edited)

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"Hey big bro," I heard Joe's voice to my left as I said goodbye to an old acquaintance who cornered me for a chat just as I came out of the bathroom.

"Hey little bro," I smiled at his use of our childhood names for each other. "Find anyone here worth running after yet?"

Joe grinned and nodded his head over his right shoulder to a smoldering brunette who was watching him from under her lashes while sipping her sparkling wine. "That one has definite potential. I'd ask you to be my wingman, but it looks like you've been taken off the market?"

I blushed slightly and rubbed my neck nervously. "Yes well, what can I say? She's different. I like it."

Joe shrugged before gulping down his glass and grabbing another from a passing waiter. "I didn't think you'd go for mixing business with pleasure. You never have before, though looking at that fiery redhead I can see why you might have changed your tactics. Why this one?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "Ever since I first saw her in traffic she intrigued me. Meeting her at the marketing firm just blew me away. She's so humble and nice and beautiful, but she doesn't even realize how much beauty she carries around with her. She's a fresh breath in my life and I want to see where this is going to go." I turned around and stared at Jessie before adding: "Besides, Dad has been nagging at me to stop my player ways and give him grandkids."

Joe slapped me on the back with a laugh. "Well, then you better get back to your lady, brother. I see the vultures moving in." He gestured at that snake Jake who just sat down at our table and seemed to be trying his best flirting moves on Jessie. I watched her closely, almost grinning at her obvious irritation with the man. Time for her knight to come to her rescue.


Before I could tell Jake to go jump off a bridge into the deepest, darkest river he could find, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. "She's already booked for today, sorry pal," Dean sayd, sounding a bit clipped. He must have heard Jake's suggestion that we leave together. I sighed and smiled. Saved! "Come on, Jessie, I want to show you something," he whispered in my ear, before looking me in the eyes with a look that sent goose bumps down to my toes. Dean helped me up from my chair, completely ignoring Jake, while I vaguely smiled a greeting at him, grabbed my handbag and hat and leaft Jake struggling for words at my sudden rudeness.

Dean lead my through the crowd, my hand warmly wrapped in his bigger one. I smiled brightly this time and tried to keep up with him as he excitedly rush us towards the exit. Once outside I was somewhat blinded by the sun, so I quickly put on my hat. Dean put on his sunglasses, making him look like a model from a magazine and I swooned at the sight of him, causing me to miss a step and almost fall before two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. "Careful, beetle girl," he grinned down at me. "Your choice in shoes are always landing you in my arms, it seems. One of these days I'm going to think you wear them on purpose. Come on, this way."

Dean left one arm around my waist, protecting me from another fall I guess, as he guided me down a path towards the lake, leaving the sounds and crowd of the auction behind us. Reaching the lake, we made our way over to a bench on the bank and Dean motioned for me to sit down before he took a seat next to me, closer than we were before at the tables in the marquee. "So, I hope you don't mind, " he voiced huskily while fishing in his jacket pocket to find a small bag, before showing me the pieces of bread inside, "but I thought we could take a break and feed the ducks."

Looking at me, Dean anxiously awaited some kind of approval to his idea from me and I couldn't help but giggle. Giggle? I've never giggled as much as I did when I was around this man with the beautiful eyes. "I'd love to, thanks Dean." I took some bread from him and started throwing pieces at the demanding little pieces of fluff waddling around our bench, while admiring the view. "It's really beautiful here."

"And peaceful." He commented. "I come here when I get too stressed at work. It helps me think." He smiled at me again and for a moment I got lost in those beautiful eyes again, my insides going fluid from being alone with and so close to him.

"What are you thinking about now?" I asked in a less than stable voice, before taking a deep breath to stable my nerves.

He glanced down at my lips before looking up into my eyes again, showing me a glimpse of desire in them before he spoke. "Oh, just something I've had on my mind for a while," he murmured again, grinning slightly at my confused face.

Taking our current venue into account I had hoped his thoughts were something romantic, but obviously he was still wrapped up in thoughts from work. "Oh, ok. I'll let you think then." I tried to smile and looked at the lake again, hoping not to show my disappointment in what I thought was a moment between us. Dean laughed softly before capturing my chin in his hand, bringing my face back to his.

"You are really cute when you're confused," he smiled before closing the gap and kissed me softly on the lips. For a moment I was too surprised to register that the kiss I had wanted only moments before, was actually happening. Dean pulled away slightly as if to check my reaction. Seeing no resistance on my stunned face he moved in again, this time tilting my world on its axes with a long, mind-blowing, feverish kiss. His hands moved up from my arms to my shoulders to my hair, holding my face impossibly close. I felt my hands move up his sculpted arms by their own free will, one going all the way up and catching in his hair at the nape of neck, the other ending up on his shoulder. He tasted like honey and musk and I found myself lost in the feel of the kiss, of him.

With just one kiss, I was totally lost.


Never had I wanted to kiss a girl as much as I had been wanting to kiss the redhead in my arms all day. She was sunshine and happiness, all rolled up into a funny, interesting, slightly off-centre girl who had blown me away since the first time I saw her in traffic.

I broke the kiss and pulled away slightly, looking in her eyes to see her reaction. Her eyes were still closed, but I heard her whisper, "wow." "You can say that again," I whispered back. She opened her eyes and said, smiling: "wow again, then." I couldn't help but laugh softly at that, still holding her in my arms, unwilling to break contact just yet. "I guess you know what I was thinking about now."

I saw a hint of teasing cross her eyes before she tilted her head slightly, feigning deep thought. "Nope, I have no idea."

I grinned at her comment and proceeded to show her once again just exactly what had been on my mind. I started off slow, savoring her smell, the way she felt in my arms, before slanting my head to the side and licking her bottom lip, asking for entrance. I smiled against her lips when she opened them and allowed me in. I felt the same passion building in her kiss that was currently running through my blood, making me hard in places I've been ignoring lately. The kiss lasted a bit longer than its predecessor, before I reluctantly pulled away as I realized that the sun was already beginning to set. I tucked her under my chin and we watched for a while as the colours of the setting sun touched the water, before I stood up and lifted her back into my arms for a short kiss. We walked back slowly to the marquee and said our goodbyes to Bianca, before heading to my car.

Driving back to her house with the radio playing soft tunes and chatting about our interests and life in general, I found myself happier and more content than I had been in a while and I had every intention of exploring the promise of our relationship if she would let me.

I walked her to her door at her house, pausing for another long, hot kiss that made me wish that I could turn back the clock for another hour with her. "I'll see you in traffic on Monday?" She laughed softly as she still stood in the crook of my arms. "Yup, definitely. Thanks for a great day, Dean. I really enjoyed it."

I smiled. "Me too, Jessie. Just know that this is not the end of it. I told you before, I like you."

She smiled and gave me another small kiss before opening the door and going inside, leaving me wondering how I could make Monday morning traffic come quicker.      

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