Dead Hosts

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They walked in in silence. Amy gasped.

Blood was spattered all over the wall. Bodies lined the hallway. More blood followed them like connect the dots.
Lots of them had knives sticking out from between their eyes. Amy smiled. Her mum never did miss a shot. The rest either had bullets in the middle of their forehead or they're faces were smashed to an irrecognisable mess.

As she walked through the house, she begain to count the number of dead.

She got to 53 before she saw one that really mattered.

"NO!" She thought the crying was over when she left the footpath, but seeing him lie there... it just made it... it just made it, so much more reall.

It made it so much more reall, to see the motionless body of your little brother.

Blood covered his clothes and all other parts of his body. Open wounds didn't bleed because there was no more blood left. His matted black hair stuck up in all directions. The parts of skin not covered in clothes or blood weren't black. The lack of blood caused them to appeer almost white.

" MAX NO!" she ran accross the room and knelt beside him. She leened over him and hugged his lifless form. Blood covered both of them now. "No." she sobbed, repeating cthe words over and over again. "No. nononononono. NO!l

"Amy I know it hurts, but we have to keep going. Amy?"

She choked and stood up slowly.

the rest of the house was no different. It was still covered in Blood and guts. They found her mum and dad in the the kitchen.

Bullet wounds spattered all over their bodies. Amys mum was collasped on top of her dad, two pairs of lifeless eyes stareing aimlessly at the ceiling.

Silent tears ran down her cheeks. she walked towards them and knelt beside them. With two fingers, she closed their eyes. "There. Now it's just as if they're sleeping."

Slowly, she stood up again.

James gathered her in a side hug. "Ready to go?" he asked

woooooooooooohhhhhh im BACK BABY! DEAL WITH IT! HaVE FUN !

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