Both of Us

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(The next day)


I feel her hands on my chest. Her lips on me. I could feel myself kiss back so hard. Her hands slide down to my waist and I feel her grip it. As we kiss, I rub my hands on her shoulders. When I open my eyes. It's not Adrianna. It was someone else. 

I wake up from the cold dream, drowned in my sweat and my panting was faster than ever. Why the fuck did I have that dream? What was wrong with me? It felt so real. I just realize that was already morning. I look from left to right and Adrianna wasn't there. I put my slippers on and use the stairs leading to the kitchen. There she was. Cooking breakfast. Her figure from behind made me want to wrap my warms around her waist and kiss her. I do so. I kiss her cheek while hugging her and put my face beside hers. Then feel her smile.

"Hello baby" she says smiling. "Goodmorning beautiful" I say giving her another kiss in the cheek. I inhale the crisp smell of bacon. "You hungry?" "You bet." I say letting go of her and sit on the stool. She then puts the bacon and omelet unto a plate, gets a fork and knife, then gives it to me and serves it with orange juice. I smile looking at the plate then at her. She goes around and gives me a kiss on the forehead and then on my nose. She hugs me from behind. I cut a piece of the bacon and eat it slowly. "Hey you know what. I've been thinking. We should go on a trip since we have a month of summer left." Adrianna then sits on the stool beside me and places her right elbow on the counter with her hand below her chin, holding her head. "Where?" She says looking at me with her bright brown eyes.

"Anywhere with you." I say grinning at her. "Let's go somewhere where we can get away from all of this for a while." She says changing position. "Oh. I know a place." Adrianna goes down from the chair and walks past me, heading for the stairs. "We have to fix things with Eric first." her voice echoing. "I know. I'll call him" I say finishing up my breakfast.


I wake up to the tweeting sounds of the birds outside the window. As I open my eyes, all I see are the white covers and the teal wall. I turn my head sideways and see Nicole sleeping.

The sight of her made me feel that I was doing something right. She was okay. The heart monitor showed her heart was beating alright. I rub my eyes to see clearly and head to the bathroom to freshen up. When I got out I saw the nurse getting Nicole's blood pressure and the door by her side, scribling. "Oh. Hello, good morning." says the doctor. "Hey" I say flashing my hand and rubbing it against my pants. "What is your relation to Ms. Steveson?" "Oh, she's just a friend." I say sitting down on one of the chairs beside her. "Well, thanks you to she survived. She has anemia and needs more oral iron intake."

She had anemia?! Why didnt I...

"So how is she?" I say anxiously. "It's gotten worse. As if she hasn't been on medication for a month now." "But she took some last night, I think." I look at her and remember Adrianna. There were times wherein Adrianna would skip lunch or dinner just to become thiner. I felt that I was responsible for her. The doctor and nurse go out of the room while I sat there just looking at her. Why didn't she say anything. Was she embarrassed?

 I take a walk around the hospital and end up in the canteen, buying some cereal and milk. I ask for a spoon and bowl and put the cereal in it. As I walk back to Nicole's room, one of the nurses stop me."Excuse me sir, I was on your way to your room to ask you who is willing to pay for all this, Mr...?" "Oh. I will. It's Mr. Hanks." I say runnning my hair with my hand. The nurse writes in on her paper. "How would you like to pay?" she says looking up to me. "Oh, here." I hand her my credit card. "Well, I'll go swipe this and give it back you sir." She says nodding. I nod back in agreement and head to Nicole's room. As I enter, Nicole is wide awake and was watching TV.

"Hey" I say putting the milk and cereal on her side table. "Hi" She says while looking at me with sleepy eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" I say sitting beside her. "I don't let anyone know." "Well you could tell me. I'm your friend" Nicole sighs and looks at the window. "I'm sorry." she says looking back at me. I hold her hands to give her a sign of my forgiveness. I grab the milk and put it in the cereal. We both sit in her bed watching TV while she eats. There's a knock on the door. Must be the nurse. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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