I miss him :(

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"Hey um by any chance do you have my phone"
B- umm when I saw you on the floor I didn't see a phone
He's lying
I know
T- tell me the truth
- he reached in his pocket and gave me my phone
T- you don't need to lie to me
B- sorry I just don't want you to be busy on your phone
I was confused
B- everyone in this world is madly obsessed with technology I hate it
I looked up
T- tell me about your self
I wanna know
B- well I have a lot of things wrong with me I lash out when I get anxiety umm I'm depressed a lot I've never had a girlfriend
T- I strangely I find you interesting
I laughed
And looked at my phone
Over 30 texts from my mom
And hunter and Brandon
"Crap "
B-what's wrong
T-everyone's freaking out
I immediately called my mom
"Mom/ mom Im fine I promise
I I I I- spent the night at my friends mom I'm fineee"
She was screaming
But ended up calming down
Then I called hunter
He didn't answer so I texted him
*hey baby I'm so sorry I didn't reply I lost my phone but I'm fine now hope your having a good time can't wait to see you soon Love you prince👑❤️*

Within minutes he texted back * I love you more princess I just wanted to make sure your okay I'll call after the show💓💓* I replied okay with an emoji and turned off my phone
"You love him a lot don't you"
I looked Bryan in the eyes
B- how do you know when you love someone
He looked me in the eyes
And I backed my face a way from his
And smiled
T- it's like the whole world stops as if your the only two left smiling holding hands and promising to never let go
Of eachother no Matter what come in the way
B- your 14 how do you know you love him like actual love you've probably known for like 6 months
he scoffed

That stung
T- no ive know a hunter for almost 2 years but he didn't know who I was till 8 months ago I slowly fell in love his smile his laugh his quirky and cute self every little piece of him made feel wanted and safe and-
I paused and licked my lips
T- that's when I knew it was love and not 6th grade I love you
Like big girl
real world l love you
B- would if your afraid of getting hurt
He came closer
T- don't fear getting hurt
I paused
T- fear never knowing how good love can be
B- that was deep
He said with sad eyes
T- you've been hurt haven't you
B- yeah
He said softly
B- I thought we were safe and it was perfect and then one day
It wasn't
T- if I've learned anything in my life it's that everything has a reason and everyone has a purpose or else then they wouldn't have been here in the first place
B- thank you
It means a lot I never get to talk to anyone like this
T- well Im here for you

2 hours went by
And I could finally leave but I'm not gonna lie it wasn't that bad
I made a friend
And Taught him something
I left his house and gave him a hug
"Thanks for taking care of me "
B- anytime I'll see ya Tatiana
T- byeBryan I said softly with a smile
As I shut the door
I really wasn't kidnapped I was just hanging out

with a stranger
Who became my friend
I walked home
From my house using my phone to get my way back and finally I was at my doorstep I opened the door with my house key that's always on me
And went to the counter and there was a note
* Tatiana i went to the store should be back in a couple hours -mom*
I threw the note in the trash and ordered pizza I sat on the couch after I ordered and went on social media
Snapchat, twitter , innstagram

And hunter face timed me
I'm not gonna lie
Seeing his face made me so happy and to him it looked like he was happy to see me
H- I miss you so much baby girl
T- I miss you too
I made with a puppy dog face
T- how's The tour
H- fun but it would Be funner with you
I smirked

T- hunter where are you
H- the hotel were about to go out to eat though
We paused
H- how's Arizona with out the Rowland's
T- quiet

I laughed

H- don't worry we're gonna be back soon
Brandon Ashton and Christine came into the camera
"Heyyy guys"
All- we miss you
T- I miss you guys too
We talked for a while till the door bell rang and hung up so I can answer the door "I love you guys I'll see you soon"
H- bye gorgeous
He kissed the screen and I blushed
And we ended it
I got the pizza and started to eat it I put my pajamas on after I ate cause it was 7 o clock and I had nothing else to do
Then my mom came home
And was kinda mad at me
"Mom I'm sorry I lost my phone"
E- don't ever do that again I forgive you though
I gave her a hug and she went to bed
I washed my face and walked to my bed and put my phone on the charger and
Closed my eyes as I opened my bed slowly getting in it dreaming when they get back❤️😴

Forever and always//Hunter RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now