FAQ's and Me

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Okay, so the title is a bit of a lie...no one ever really asks me questions. But, if I asked myself questions these are the most common and frequent that would pop up (plus a couple of questions that I'm only ever asked on this account).

Also, some questions about me (not really, but you'll see).

So, yes...more or less I'm interviewing myself.

1). Where are you from?

Southern Hemisphere of planet Earth. If you don't know where that is...bottom half of the world.

2). Why did you start this account?

So I used to have a werewolf writing account way back when I started on WP (all of six years ago), I made friends with a couple writers that are pretty popular now. But back then, they weren't popular and they were struggling (we were all struggling and still are), so to help them along I opened the original twistedwerewolf account with the set goal of helping undiscovered werewolf writers get their sh*t noticed.

3). Original? You mean this isn't the original?

No. I closed the first account down after a couple of trolls found me and hounded the account....plus I was busy with life and really didn't give a shit. 

I do regret it though, that account had some amazingly original stories that I can't find anymore.

4). What are your favourite werewolf books?

I don't have any favourites.

5). Surely you have a few favourite stories?

No, I don't.

People think that when I add their story to my 'currently reading' list that I actually read the whole damn thing. I don't, I read just enough of the story to get a fair idea of what is going on. If it's shit then I delete it from any and all reading lists, if it's decent then it gets sorted into a different reading list.

6). Can you read my stuff?

No, I HATE when people send me in their own work....hate it.

7). Why? We're just trying to get a step up in the world.

Yeah, you might be trying to do that. But so is every other friggin writer on Wattpad.

8). What have you got against us self promoting?

Nothing really, but don't self promote your stuff to me. If I took every self promotion that someone sent me I'd be even more swamped than I currently am. Surprise me (and someone else) by sending their work in...I'm more likely to check out your books if you send someone elses book in.

Because they think good shit like that deserves some recognition sometimes.

9). You're weird and mean and swear too much.

I know I am, guess what? I don't care.

I know what I am and everyone elses opinion doesn't matter.

What the saying I say to myself a lot?

You have the highest and lowest opinion of yourself, everyone elses thoughts on you fall somewhere in the middle. So they're all saying sh*t you say to yourself.

10). What's your writing account name?

Not telling unless I trust you enough.

11). What makes you qualified to run this account? 

Nothing qualifies me to run this account, I just like to encourage people to be less greedy. I have opinions...sometimes they're serious, but most times they're not. I also like to stand up to haters, dipwads who think they run the werewolf genre and others who think they can dictate what goes into a persons story and what doesn't.

12). You do realize this is boring, right?

No shit Sherlock.

Anyway, that's me...sorry for wasting your reading hours on 12 useless points that no one ever actually asks me about or comments on.


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