This is a rant

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So everyone that has read this book will know that I can be pretty honest and petty sometimes, but recently I commented in a werewolf forum thread and a lot of the responses there p*ss me off so much that I wrote this in response to a few c*nts.

This chapter is dedicated to all you opinionated w*nkers who think that belittling other authors is awesome.  (if this makes no sense then I apologize, but I'm just going to say that a few people were complaining about the repetitiveness of titles/ plots/ cliches in the werewolf genre).

A lot of the logic in here can be applied both way, you learn and grow as a writer? But the volume of new writers that are discovering Wattpad and the ease with which they can create stories is likely far greater than the rate at which 'established' writers are developing and learning.

You also learn and grow as a reader. When I first came to Wattpad it was as a reader, I read any and everything I could fit into my library because A) it was free and B) I'd never had access to such a large volume of books before in my life. So people may grow as authors but they also grow as readers, what I read when I first came to Wattpad I'd never read now.

Also, there are that many new writers on Wattpad and in general that they're drowning out the development of others. You might see some grow in quality but you're going to see much bigger growth in numbers of new writers trying to get a handle on Wattpad, so...they're going to turn to the first thing they see. Which is likely to be a story riddled with cliches, those new writers are still learning and still growing and most of all still trying to find their way through Wattpad.

The standards that have been expressed in this thread shouldn't be applied across the board. It's unfair to new and older writers to be tarred with the same brush, it really is.

New writers aren't automatically going to know that they're writing the same thing as 100,000 other people on Wattpad (unless they actually go and look). A new reader too might be 'inspired' by a popular story that they've read on here and want to duplicate it, maybe they want to do something a little bit different.

What I don't understand is all these 'rant' threads where people get together to sh*t on other people's works. Usually it's aimed at the writers on the hot list, why can't they have their moment of glory? Yeah, I get this is the internet and people are free to say almost whatever they want to say but these threads have been done to death.

It takes work to get a million reads, it takes hard work to get to the number 1 spot and yeah they might be taking a short cut to get there, it might be lazy writing, it might be boring and done before. But you don't have to read it, sure you have to wade through the cliche swamp to get to the good reads but the same can be said in the forums.

You gotta wade through all the complaining and moaning just to get to decent threads.

What are your thoughts on cliches in the werewolf genre?

Would you ever put someone else down just to make yourself feel better about the work you write? Would it make you feel better about why you're not getting as much attention as those stories with 500k+ reads?

Do you challenge people who have small minds?

Do you oppose my views?

Leave your opinion in the comments below. Don't worry, if your opinion differs from mine I won't bite your head off....we're entitles to our own opinions afterall.

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