What Are You Doing?!

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I'm mega MEGA bored right now.

It's Sunday here in good ol' NZ and it's currently bucketing down with rain outside, it was like this all day yesterday and I'm bored out of my brain and it's not even 8:00am right now (it's close though). 

So I've more or less got a sh*t long day ahead of me, so don't be surprised if you see a lot of updating on this account!

Anyway, some of you more astute Wattpad members out there might have noticed the things I've been doing on this account. Some of you might be curious, some maybe not so much and other probably think I've lost my friggin mind.

I'm talking about the 'face claim' books that I've aptly titled 'The Parade' (because let's face it, what else would you call a book that showcases pretty faces?)

You might be one of those people who is dead against using anyone 'real' to portray your character, or, like me you might just like keeping a visual record of what your character could look like. 

Sure, all the faces I'll be putting up are going to be Hollywood types and there is a very good reason for that...well a few actually.

Reason 1: I'm not going to go and legit stalk Joe Nobodies Facebook page hoping that they've put up new photos of themselves. Everyday people will probably have a heart attack if they found that their mug was being used to depict the image of the main character in a vampire fanfic.

Could you imagine stumbling across your face doing that exact thing? Nope, I couldn't either.

And now, you're probably thinking I'm being a hypocrite because I'm doing the exact same thing but with Hollywood famous people. Well, they've most likely seen and heard worse so being cast as a werewolf/ vampire/ teen heartthrob is probably not such a huge deal to them.

Reason 2: Do you know how friggin hard it already is to find good quality photographs of some celebrities? It's hard, so imagine how much worse it'd be if I tried looking for...Susan Gilmont from small town Australia (just made that name up, if there really is a Susan Gilmont from small town Australia, sorry!)

There are bound to be countless other complaints, these people are too perfect, they're too pretty, they're too white...there's not enough POC people and whatever else you can think of under the sun.

All I can say is, calm your tits and hold your horses.

The diversity is coming eventually but not yet. Yeah, yeah I can hear the complaining. I shouldn't be perpetuating the use of European only faces in stories and all that blah blah PC bullsh*t.

I don't really care if people are offended by the lack of diversity that I'm offering up if you're offended...cool. Be offended somewhere else.

I'm a person of color, most of my life I've been surrounded by people of color and no offense....some of the people I grew up with, yeesh. It's the only reason I can think that I'm more attracted to people of European descent that POC's.

Don't get me wrong though, I love my color and my people but a change is good.

Anyway, let's get off that bandwagon before I shoot myself in the foot.

I've also put up my first review, it's pretty shit but I don't mind. I don't and won't be putting a lot of thought into my reviews because they're not supposed to be serious.

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