When sending me stuff...

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I don't know if I'm being a douche or if this is getting old...but when people send me stuff, please don't start your PM with 'I think you should...' that is a one way ticket to the reject pile. 

If you were wondering.

When you send me a PM with a story suggestion at least start with a 'hi.' 

I'm human after all, not a bloody computer program that trawls through the endless pages of werewolf stories looking for unique and different things to add to my page. I'm human and the most basic human thing YOU could do is say hello.

Also, don't add 'I think' into your PM (when sending suggestions). If you have to think about how good a werewolf story is then it probably isn't that good (which is a theory proven right in my eyes time and again when people open their PM with that sentence).

Give me your opinion on why the book is good, I'm not going to take your suggestion at face value. I need a reason to read it and 'just because' isn't good enough. I like to know what caught your attention about the book, why you're sending it to me, what about it KEPT your attention and all that sort of stuff.

I'm not asking for a novel, just a paragraph or two of stuff. It leads to conversation and if you're more willing to engage in conversation with me then I'm more willing to read the story you've sent in.

I get so many PM's with either just a story link or 'I'm being an douche and sending in my own story because I think the sun shines out of my ass.' (that insult applies to 98% of people who send their own stories in, there is the 2% who do send their stories in that are actually really good and whose PM's I don't mind too much).

If you're going to lie about your story at least make sure it's believable.

If anyone is curious and they want to know what some of my other 'no-no's' and 'yes-yes' are then read on:

*Don't send me your own story links

*Don't open your PM with 'I think you should read my story because...'

*Don't assume you're the best werewolf writer out there. 

*Please, for the love of all things holy and werewolf-ey! Don't send me the werewolf stories with a million and something reads. If they're that popular then I've already seen them.

*If a werewolf story you love is not on my list, then send it through. But don't expect me to add it because you loved it. If I like it I'll add it, if I find something wrong with it then I won't.

*Don't be a condescending *ss.

*Do be frank, honest and open with me...I don't like fake people.

*If you PM me, you can swear. I swear all the f*cking time, so feel free to be as comfortable as you want.

*We can talk about books if you want to.

*I am open to bouncing your ideas around if you need a fresh perspective on something. 

*I can give my opinion on your chapter, but not often and never on time.

*If a story does't have the right 'feel' about it then I won't read it.

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