Chapter 4

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Karlie POV

"Yes, how did you know that?" I asked trying to see how he knew my dad.

"He put me on game and taught me how to open up my businesses, I never knew he had a kid though, he is like a father figure to me" King said and it made me feel worst than I felt before.
Well your father figure shot you, I wanted to say, but I decided not to until I got to the bottom of everything !

"Oh well, small world, but thanks for the ride, I hope you get better, & sorry about last night at the party" I said getting out of the car.

" you good Ma! See you around"

He waited until I got into the house before pulling off!
As I closed and locked the door , I turned to see my dad and mom talking in the hallways.

"Hey sweetheart, where were you, we were worried sick." My dad said

Worried sick my ass, Mr. Trigger finger.

"I was at a party with Jessi and ended up crashing at her place" I lied.
"Party? You never go to parties. Did you have fun , did you meet a boy? " my mom asked, being nosey.
"No, it was straight, I'm about to go shower and get out of these clothes, glad yall home"

" okay sweetheart, once you shower, put on something nice, we are taking you out to eat for your graduation, invite Jessi , I will bring along some more of my people to make it into a festive evening"
" okay dad!" 🙄

I've been sitting in the tub trying to digest everything that has happened within these past 24 hours. My dad is a dealer, a killer, and Lord knows what else . Should I confront him!? Ask him upfront about what I've learned!? Or is that my place!?

Naw, fuck that! I'm asking .. this is something I should of been aware of. That type of lifestyle put his life on the line, let alone mines... people are doing anything now a days... we need to have a conversation ASAP!

I was interrupted from my train of thought when there was a knock at my bathroom door.

"K, the driver will be here in 30 minutes, are you dressed honey!?"

Freak! " in a minute mom, I'm getting out of the shower now"

"Ok, your clothes are on the bed, I picked them out for you!"

Why does everyone feel like dressing me!? I'm not a baby doll.

I dried my body and added my lotion and deodorant while in the bathroom, I walked out and pick out my under garments..

Looking at what my mom set out for me, I have to say she has nice taste.

She picked me out a full body black romper with a semi deep v along the breast line, there was a swoop in the back that showed off my tattoo on my back, the sleeves were off the shoulder .. to match, she paired it with nude heels and a nude MK clutch !

I put on the clothes and put my hair in a neat bun, baby hairs on FLEEK!

I did only my eye makeup and put some carmex on my lips..

I put in my diamond studs, and put my carmex, phone, debt cards, and lotion in my clutch.

Walking downstairs, the door was opened and the driver had arrived .

"You look so beautiful baby girl! "

"Thanks dad !"

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