I'll Take Care of You

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~ A Requested Anidala One Shot ~

Please note. This is meant to come after SW:TCW Season Two, Episode Four "Senate Spy" - Padmé spies on Senator Clovis and Anakin saves her after Lot Dodd poisons her wine.

Hope you enjoy!


Anakin gently pulled the very ill Padmé up into his arms, nodding to Captain Typho. The pilot merely gave the Jedi a sad smile; he knew the couple had to go patch things up and the senator's young husband had to do his duties. Dormé brushed past the young couple after having turned down the bed in the master quarters as well as setting out some of the first aid kit. Anakin shut the cockpit door behind her with the force, cradling his wife to his chest.

"That antidote should be kicking in any minute now..." He mumbled, ducking through the doorway. Padmé merely tossed him a smile, weakly reaching up and catching his cheek in her palm. "Ani, I..." Her lips were soon covered with his, silencing her. "Don't worry about it, the mission's over and I'm here until we get back to Coruscant... We need to get you into something more comfortable." He gently laid her down on the bed, immediately pulling her shoes off. The young Jedi Knight set them at the foot of the bed beside one of her bags, digging around in the duffle bag for clothes. "Ani, you don't have to do that. I can get dressed myself." She started to get out of bed only to be laid back down by her husband.

"Angel, you were just poisoned by that bug-eyed bastard. I get that we got the antidote already but I'm taking care of you." Anakin kissed her forehead before going back to the duffle. He quickly pulled out one of his tunics and summoned her favorite hairbrush from the vanity to his hand with the force. Padmé couldn't help but grin, shaking her head at him. "I don't deserve you." He came back over to the bed, sitting down beside her. "No, it's me who doesn't deserve you. If you'll sit up, you can just slide this over your head and slip out of the dress..." With a little assistance, the Senator sat up and gratefully shrugged on the tunic. Anakin gingerly reached under and unzipped the back of her purple gown, taking advantage of their position to steal another kiss. Once it was unzipped completely, he pulled it off her hips and over her smooth tan legs.

Padmé was just about to lie back down when Anakin slid in behind her. "Love, what're you doing now?"

"Fixing your hair so you're comfortable. You can't sleep with it in any kind of style and this braid is too damn tight..." Anakin shook his head, pulling the ribbon off the end and gently unbraiding the hair. Padmé giggled softly, seeing (and feeling) his legs surround her own. "Ani, you forgot to take off your boots again..." Being as lazy as ever, he used the force to pull them off and sat them by the door. "You've gotta be the most abusive force user around..." She sighed, feeling her hair relax. Taking the paddle brush, Anakin began to comb out any knots in her curly lochs. "Hey, if I get what I need to done, who's to say that it's abusive?"

The couple sat in a comfortable silence, both of them at peace for the moment.

"So do you think there'll be any chance of you staying home at all? Surely, after such a daring mission for the Chancellor, they'll grant you some time to recharge before the next mission..." Padmé heard her brush connect with the side table before she saw it. Anakin let out a sigh, standing up to get more comfortable himself. "I doubt it. I think Obi-Wan is supposed to go to some planet in the mid-rim... Bothawui I think..." He quickly stripped off his pilot's tunic, leaving his buff torso bare. Padmé stared up at him with a dreamy sigh. "That's not too far from Naboo, still not very far from the Chommell sector period. Maybe you can come home for a few days and then meet him there... I could put in word that I need you for security purposes for a few more days, the Banking Clan could've threatened me."

"Judging from the way things ended with Gunray, I would definitely say you've been threatened. It's not over with him, ya know." Anakin walked around the bed and climbed in behind her, pulling his wife into his arms. "We'll just see how things are when we get back to the Core, okay?" He tugged the blankets up around them, smiling softly as Padmé snuggled into his chest. "Fine. I'm just glad you were there when you were; I could've... I almost..." Anakin ran a hand over her head, squeezing her a little tighter. "Mé, nothing was going to happen to you. I will never let anything happen to you, I swear to you..." He dipped his head down, kissing the top of her head. "I know, you'll always be my hero... I love you, Anakin."

"I love you more, Padmé."

She merely smiled, her nails tracing random patterns over his heart. "Maybe we'll be able to go home - our real home - for a few days..." He stroked her head affectionately, keeping the blankets up around her shoulders. "That would be nice but I don't wanna get your hopes up too much... For all I know, I could be getting off this ship and running over to the next one." Padmé looked up at him frowning slightly. "Ani, I don't want you to go..."

Anakin kissed her forehead softly. "I don't wanna go either but you know how it is... Duty comes first, especially in war time. Every second I can spare is yours, Mé; I'm really tryin' here..." She reached up and caressed his cheek, playing with the loose waves by his ear. "I know and I'm trying too... I just wish the damn war was already over. To be honest, Anakin, I could care less if we won or lost. If I've got you to look forward to after the fight's over, screw the damn battle..." He chuckled, poking the tip of her nose. "Is that right? Maybe we should just disappear then, hmm? Find a good place to hide on some remote world and build new lives?"

"That comes after the war. Don't tease me, Love."

"You, me... maybe a few kids running around?"

Padmé started laughing. "A few? Anakin, let's try for one first and see what happens." He smirked at her, pulling her up closer. "If you weren't poisoned right now, we'd be thanking the mechanic's who ensured the rooms to all be soundproof!" She playfully slapped his arm, his hand quickly grabbing her wrist. "Don't argue..." He chuckled, going to bite at her lips. Padmé groaned, pushing him back. "Anakin, you're gonna get sick too!"

"Who cares, more reason for me not to be shipped off to the mid-rim!" He merely kissed her again, holding her in the crook of his arm. She only hummed, curling up next to him. "I'm sleepy, Ani." He kissed her forehead, wrapping both of his arms around her body as they snuggled down into the bed.

"Get some sleep, Mé... I'll take care of you."


A/N: This one-shot is dedicated to thatsrelatable ! I hope you enjoyed this one shot! Don't forget to comment below what you want to see from me next! Hit that star and I'll see you next time! Love, -P ♥️

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