Saved mitch x reader 2

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Y/n I helped f/n up
F/n he was cute
Y/n yeah
F/n you like him don't you
Y/n maybe
I blush
F/n well his name is bajain Canadian right
Y/n yeah why
F/n were right by a town why not ask around
Y/n good point
We walk into the town villagers polite but rushing as usual
Y/n I go up to one
Do you know who the bajain Canadian is
Villager I hand them a piece of paper
Y/n I read it
He is the savior of our village
F/n wow he saved the village cool
Y/n maybe we can find him
F/n I look up to see he sky turning black
Y/n we have a problem
Y/n what's wrong
I look up to the sky to see
Y/n everyone get inside now
We all run in
I look to see the villagers with us
May I see your trades
He lets me
I see armor
I have some stuff with me so I trade
After that I get a ax
F/n I get a bow and arrows including a sword as well
Y/n I put on iron boots and chest plate
I put on iron pants and a helmet
I look at my weapons
Until I go over and craft something
We go out
We use our iron swords first we have some potions and food so let's battle
As we run out I see a familiar face
We run to help him
F/n I shoot arrows
He sees me
Y/n I use my sword to deflect fire balls
He pulls out a diamond sword
He fights bajain
But then me and f/n
He knocks her armor down until it breaks then she's weak
He goes to me
He fights me
I use my ax until it breaks I fly through the air
I land on the ground with a heart left and broken armor and ax
He goes over to bajain and fights him I see his sword break he gets him down
He stands over him
Hero brine your done hero time to die
Y/n I drink a potion I put on my diamond armor I grab my sword and protect him
Mitch I look up to see the same person I saved
Y/n not today hero brine
We sword fight
F/n I get up with a health potion
I shoot more arrows
Y/n as he flys up f/n shoots him one more time his arm falls off
He falls to the ground
I run over and stand above him
I put my foot on his stomach
Y/n your done hero brine
I drive the sword into his chest
As I do he disintegrates
Then I see the sky turn blue with rainbows
The villagers run out and lift me up
I smile
They put me down
I walk over to bajain
Mitch thanks for the save
Y/n no problem bajain
Mitch call me Mitch and you
Y/n I'm y/n and that's f/n
Mitch how about I call you my heroes
Y/n I blush
Mitch come on let's journey altogether
Y/n alright
F/n lets do this
Mitch by the way f/n my friend Jerome will be here do you mind
F/n I see Jerome not at all
Y/n me and Mitch laugh as f/n blushes at Jerome
Mitch I hold y/ns hand
Y/n I blush
Mitch come on hero lets adventure
And with that we leave the village and off to find another journey ahead

I hope you enjoyed
Stay awesome you fabulous people
Mkay out

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