Faded brohm

112 2 12

Bryce I'm going on Skype with Luke
Luke hey Bryce
Bryce hey Luke
Luke you okay
Bryce it's just my anniversary with ohm is today
Luke 3 year right
Bryce your not my boyfriend yet you remember
Luke where is the d bag anyway
Bryce I don't know anymore and to be honest I stopped caring
Luke want me to come over and we can look for him with del
Bryce yes please and how are you and del
Del amazing
Bryce hi crazy
del hi scaredy boy
Bryce so will you come over
Del sure we are on our way
1 hour later
I get a text
L can't come over storm hit us sorry Bryce
B it's okay just be safe
L we will be bye
B bye

I hang up from text I grab my hoodie and I put it up
I walk out side with my head phones and I walk around
As I walk I bump into mkay and Kay
Mkay what's up Bryce
Kay hey
Bryce I'm looking for ohm
Kay we just saw him
Bryce where
Mkay he said he was buying something
Bryce I see a ambulance drive by my heart races I start to sweat
Mkay Bryce you okay
Bryce I follow the ambulance into the mall plaza
Kay Bryce
We follow him
Bryce I get to the plaza the ambulance stopped and there's a crowd
I push through others I look over to see a collision
I look to see that the person ran while I look into the one car I start to cry
Ohm no
Mkay Bryce what happened
Kay oh no
Mkay I hug Bryce
Bryce why
An officer brings over a box
Are you Bryce
Bryce yes
This is for you
I open the box
It has collar in it
The name is Elle
It says for our kitten
I he remembered and I thought he was cheating on me I'm a terrible person
He was just so distant and I didn't know what to feel
I put the tag in my pocket I put my hood up
I put my head phones in my ears
Everyone soon clears out
Because of the rain
I give mkay the tag
Mkay are you sure
Bryce positive
They leave
I walk to a spot where I'll be happy once again
I put my music to my favorite song
I look at the bridge
I go closer
I look down
I climb up
I hear the rushing water
I wipe my tears away
I'll be there soon ohm
I jump down

The feels train level ten
😫uuuhhhh 😿
Rip Bryce and ohm forever in love 🌹I hope you enjoyed the story
Mkay out

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