Delirious x reader No

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Y/n me and the girls are going to a party
We walk in
F/n lets party
We all run to the dance floor and start dancing
When we get tired we walk to the bar and relax
As we talk my friend taps my shoulder and points
I look over to see a group of guys starring at us
There pretty but the one in the mask gives me chills I like it
But I wanna tease because why the fuck not
I tell the girls
They agree
We walk over to the DJ
We tell him
He nods
We go to the dance floor and wait
I look over to see people crowd in
The boys included
I smirk
The song starts
As it starts we turn around and face them and then we dance
We make a line and look at the boys
We all do a pretty pose
My name is no
My sign is no
They smirk at us
They walk up to us
I smirk and then I swing my hips at him
I push him back with my finger while walking at him
They all back away looking at us
Me and the girls dance together to the song
I smirk at them the one in blue is cute but she's teasing and I don't like to be teased
I we all pose when the song ends
I see them all walk to us each guy goes to one of us
I walk to her
She looks at me with shock
I grab her hand and I twirl her and then I pull her to my chest she blushes
She's cute when she blushes
Y/n I was just teasing I hope you know that
I don't like being teased little girl
She blushes more
But I do like you
I pull her to me and I kiss her
Evan go delirious go
We pull away
So what's your name small one
Y/n nice to meet you delirious I'm y/n
Wanna go out
Y/n sure

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