Controled del x reader

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I was at home on Skype talking to the crew
We were playing a horror map
I was with del Tyler and mini
We were walking around
Del hey I think I found something
Y/n del you okay
No answer
We all walked over
User delirious left Skype
Y/n that's strange
Mini hey what's today's date
Wildcat Halloween why
Mini he's gonna prank one of us I know it
Y/n whatever scaredy cat I'm gonna go to bed goodnight
I leave the Skype
Over with mini and wildcat
Mini she's gonna be mad
Wildcat why
Mini I show him he board
Wildcat oh it's her turn this year good luck y/n
Back to y/n
I crawl into bed
I soon fall asleep
But then I hear a loud crash
I wake up
I look around nothing
I grab my phone
I turn on my flash light
I walk out
I walk down stairs
I see my door wide open and glass broken
I put my hair in a pony tail
Then I put on a sweat shirt
This is bad night to do this
I see my wrist in the moon light
A black vein appears
I put on my boots
I shiver I'm only wearing shorts a tank top and my sweat shirt
With the hood up
I see a note on the ground
I read it
To y/n you want your friends back come and get them
I smirk
Insanity I'll get them all right
Y/n uhh I hold my head in pain
I have to hurry
I put my head phones on
I play shuffle
Control by Hasley plays
I walk around
I soon see another note
In there
I look up to see the forest
I walk in
My body starts to twitch
I walk in more
I look at my arm
I see the tattoo
It's almost complete
I walk in closer
I soon see light
I walk to it
I see the guys all there
And then delirious being insane
Trying to prank me
Y/n guys I know this is a prank lets go
Evan y/n help us
Luke he's gonna kill us
Y/n I'm not stupid it's delirious NOW LETS GO
Del y/n what's wrong it's just a prank
Y/n I fall to my knees
I take out the headphones
My song starts the volume on full
I feel my body twitch
I soon feel it take over
Mini y/n
Tyler dude she's getting pay back
Y/n I take my sweat shirt off
I take off my boots
I stand up
Showing them what I have become
I take my hair out of the pony tail
I let it fall down my shoulders
I look up
They look at me shocked
Evan what the hell
Del y/n
Tyler is that makeup
Mini her body
Del I see her insane smile stitches at the end of her crooked smile with blood falling down out of the wounds
Her eyes are pitch black
Her hair is stained with blood
She has a tattoo that's says
I know what happened and I need to save her
Insane y/n
You should have listened and now your all gonna die
We back away
Del I stand still
Insane y/n
Your brave aren't you del
Del let y/n go
Insanity make me
Del I know how this is I have the same problem his name is delirious y/n please fight this how do you think I survived because I won
And I know you can to
Y/n I can't
I try fighting it but it's to strong
Insanity it's to late
I pull my hand up
Del I start to float it's almost choking me
Y/n stop it
Insanity make me
I see him start to lose life
He stops struggling
Del I love you y/n
Y/n my anger intensifies
I fight it
Soon I feel it weaken
I punch my hand through its body my hand comes out
Tyler oh hell no
Luke wow
Evan dam
I get out
I go over to del
Please wake up I'm sorry del I killed it
And I fought it like you said I'm sorry del I'm so sorry
Tears stream down my face
Del I wipe her tear
I love you to
We kiss
Y/n thank you for saving me
Del just because it's powerful don't let it control you

I hope you enjoyed a spookay story
See you later my ultimate warriors
Stay fabulous
Mkay out

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