Two Pieces ( Luke Hemmings | 5sos story )

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The old storeroom that had been appointed for the school paper HQ is over the other side of the school building, by the time I arrive I'm red face and breathless. Thankfully I made it only a few minutes late.

The musty smell of damp hits my nose as soon as I open the door. Mr Smith is sitting on a chair by an old wonky desk, cleaning his glasses with his coffee stained tie. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Nice of you to join us Rebecca"

"Hey" I breathlessly pant back at him. I take a quick glance around the room to see who my colleagues joining me in the making of the school newspaper would be. My eyes fall on Hayden Jensen who's seated at the back head desk, a pen poised in her perfectly manicure hand.

"Glad you could make it," she says in a dead monotone voice. I ignore her sarcasm and bite my tongue, I force a smile her way. Blonde, big boobs average height, the year above. Popular. The complete polar opposite of me.

I sigh and hope there will be other people from my year coming soon.

My ears prick up as the door behind me squeaks open, I turn around but my heart sinks as I notice I don't know this person either. Another boy from the year above, who obviously doesn't abide by the "no piercing or visible tattoos" rule here at western Syndey UWE.

"Ah Luke, thank you for coming," says Mr Smith. The boy, Luke, sighs and mumbles something under his breath, as he squeezes past me and takes a seat.

Mr Smith also motions for me to take a seat too, right beside Luke's desk.

"Well don't you worry Luke, we will get those English grades of yours back up to what they used to be in no time," he rambles on enthusiastically.

I quickly realise that Luke did not come here by choice like I had. Did that mean everyone else was here just for extra credits too? Was I the nerd in the room, the loser from the year below?

Mr smith starts to take a register and gets a girl called Sophie to write out objectives on the board.

I jump when I feel someone's hand on my thigh, I whip my head to see its Luke leaning on me.

"Haven't seen you before, got a name?"

"You may find this shocking Hemmings but she probably does have a name," butts in a guy who is sat behind me, I recognise him, Calum hood- lead singer and guitarist in the schools most popular band, also from the year above.

"Quiet please!" Mr Smith takes centre of attention by the board at the front of the small room.

"Running the school newspaper is no easy business, so you will be partnered up to take on a task,"

Luke immediately turns to me and nods, he points his finger at me and back to him, and mouths "you and me",

I crinkle my forehead, I did not want to go with him, thankfully sir carried on talking,

"I will be choosing them so don't get too excited," he smirks. I notice Luke slump back into his chair.No one else but me seems bothered by this, I'd rather work alone.

He begins calling out pairs  

"And, that leaves Rebecca and..." He trails off. I already know I will be paired with Luke, he's the only person left I believe. Luke must also have come to that conclusion as he shifts closer.

"And Calum, Calum Hood," I let out a breath. Calum moves his chair around by me, I catch Luke giving Calum a look, one which I could not quite decipher at this moment.

"Luke you will be working alone I'm afraid, no distractions." Mr smith bluntly adds. Luke forcefully stands up and kicks back his chair and makes his way to the back of the room and sits on a small one seat desk by himself.

As a low chatter begins I turn to face him, he's staring right at me. Weirdly enough he doesn't even both to look away when I catch him, he stares at me intently, his eyes small and dark.

I snapped out of the moment as Sir eventually begins to explain our tasks.

I could swear I could still feel Luke's eyes on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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