Chapter 37

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Elena's POV

It was now another day, and I was currently picking up Mackenzie from school. I picked her up from her kindergarten classroom, and once I did, I brought her over to the car I brought over to come get her with.

Grayson usually comes with me to pick her up after school, but he hasn't been lately, and I kinda wonder why. We haven't been doing the tutoring thing a lot either anymore since my accident, and that also questions me too.

Anyways, I was driving Mackenzie and I back home, while she started telling me about her school day. She seemed like the happiest girl in the world every time she talks to me about her day at school.

I just laughed and smiled, since she always makes me feel like that with her. I honestly don't know what I'd do without a little girl like her anymore, but it was until my parents adopted her for me. Grayson and I were literally the happiest people that day, and I still smile to that thought.

It was until Mackenzie started asking me about something. Well technically someone. "Why hasn't Ethan been here in a long time?" she asked me.

"Why would he be here?" I questioned her. I don't know why she would be asking about Grayson's brother, since we're not that close.

"Cause are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" she said in more of a question. "Are you guys not together anymore?" She actually seemed really concerned about this, and it made me a little sad for it. But I'm telling her everything that I know as of now.

"No Mack, it's Grayson and I that are boyfriend and girlfriend," I told her. "I was never with Ethan." All though everyone says I am, I don't see it. Or should I say remember it...

"Yes you were," she told me, and I sighed. "It's not you and Grayson, it's you and Ethan."

"Mackenzie, me and Ethan were never together," I explained. "Grayson and I are. We always were. Don't you remember everything we all did together?"

"We did everything with Ethan, not Grayson," she told me again. "Why do you keep saying you're boyfriend and girlfriends with Grayson?"

She then started to kinda get me a little stressed over this. Even a 5 year old girl is saying that Ethan and I are dating? I really don't understand this. I know I'm completely sure that it's not Ethan, it's his brother Grayson. Like I said, Ethan and I weren't ever that close.

"Because I am Mackenzie," I said a little stressed. "Now end of story." Whatever's going on in her little brain, I know that I'm the one right here. It's like everything after that accident I had, everyone is just telling me nonsense that I don't wanna believe.

With all my thinking, we finally made it back home. But there was actually a different car here in the driveway, which looked like Grayson's. Grayson was even leaning against his car on his phone, but he looked up at me once I pulled up.

He didn't wanna do the tutoring, but I guess he wants to today since he's here waiting at my house. Mackenzie and I got out, and we soon met up with him near his car. "I thought you didn't wanna tutor today?" I asked him.

"Yeah, well uh... change of plans?" he said with an awkward smile. I just giggled, and we headed up to the front door. I unlocked it, with the two of them following behind me.

Mackenzie instantly went to the living room, probably to watch tv or play with her Barbie dolls. I started putting her stuff down in the kitchen, while I felt Grayson's eyes on me the whole time as I did.

"So, wanna head to the living room?" I asked him, and he nodded. I grabbed my school bag that was also in the kitchen, and he followed me out to the couch.

The tv was on playing some episode of Victorious, while Mackenzie was watching that and playing with her barbies in the middle of the room.

As Grayson sat next to me on the couch, I moved a little closer to him, since I love being this close to him. But I did notice him move a little, and he let out a small smile. I just shrugged it off again, as I asked, "So do you remember what we left off on?"

"Um, how about we skip over this part," Grayson told me, while I stared at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just wanna talk," he said a little nervously. I'm kinda starting to realize what this is about, mainly cause of the way he's been acting lately.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I said a little down. I stared into his hazel eyes, while they stared back into mine. I couldn't help but feel like this in this situation.

"No," he stated. "Well, kinda. Wait, just not totally. It's complicated."

"I don't understand Grayson," I said bitterly. "Are you trying to break up with me or not?"

"Look, I... I honestly don't know what I am trying to do," he told me staring down at the ground. "It's just... we're not supposed to be together."

"Let me guess, I'm supposed to be dating Ethan, right?" I said a little annoyed.

"Yes, you are," he said, and I rolled my eyes. "Ever since that accident, you don't even know who my brother is to you."

"Well I know for sure that him and I aren't dating now, it's me and you," I explained to him. "I don't believe that him and I dated before, and I'm sorry, but I just don't remember. All I know is what's happening now."

"It's just, my brother is going through such a hard time trying to process all this. It's because you can't remember, I know. But from him and what we all remember, you and him are supposed to be a thing, not you and me," he exclaimed.

"I try to remember Grayson, I'm telling you. I try all the time, but I just can't, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for both of you..." I said putting my face in my hands.

It is the truth, cause I do try to remember Ethan at some points. But I just can't really remember any of those memories...

"I get it Elena, I do," I heard him say as he put his hand rubbing my back.

I then sat up, staring at his hopeless face. "I know it must be hard for you to try and be in his place for me," I told him. "I understand if you don't wanna be with me anymore..."

I really don't wanna put him through this if he feels uncomfortable 'dating' me. But all I see is Grayson being in that place just like before, not Ethan. I honestly don't know what do to with all this anymore.

"No, don't say that I don't wanna be with you anymore," he said assuring me. "I'm trying to fix this for you and Ethan. But I don't don't think 'breaking up' might fix a lot of things."

"What are you saying?" I asked him a little confused.

He hesitated before replying. "I'm saying that I want us to distance off as boyfriend and girlfriend, but I want us to stay as friends."

"But isn't that sorta like breaking up?" I asked almost in a 'duh' tone.

"Well, yeah," he chuckled, and I giggled. "I just don't want something like that to mess up what you're thinking ever since the accident cause you've been seeing things differently..." he said.

"How about this," he started. "Why don't us and a couple friends go out for bowling on Saturday? Maybe that can spike some things up."

"Maybe," I said agreeing to him. "Maybe it might actually help me remember some things." He smiled also agreeing to me, which caused me to the same.

Hopefully something good might come out of what's going on on Saturday. Maybe it might just help with my memories, cause now, I might just wanna try and get these memories back up again, and change things to what they're supposed to be.

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