A Mess of Words (pt. 2)

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It's been so long since we came together, I don't even remember how we met. It may have been the onslaught of work from school. Or maybe it was my sudden realization that brought us close. Whatever it was, I was in denial at first.

No, this can't be. It isn't real. This can't be happening to me!

I thought it was a cruel joke, but four years later, he still stands by my side. He's there when I wake up, when I go about my day, and when I go to sleep. I admit, he's a bit needy. But I didn't mind too much. Taking care of him took my mind off of the tasks at hand for a little bit. But after spending too much time with him, I need to take a break. Yet I miss him when he's away.

We have a bit of a love-hate relationship, to summarize us. I hate how he makes me feel, but I don't want to lose him. He's virtually become the only comfort I know. And he, well he loves to tease and torcher me, but hates it when I leave him. It's hard to let go of him when he was the one who stuck with me through thick and thin.

It's not easy to just let go of someone. Especially when they are the only one who understands you, who carries you through everything, and lends you a shoulder in times of need. He's become my warm, fuzzy blanket on a cold, winter morning. He's the electrons to my protons and without him, I feel as if I would be nothing. He completes me to my utter confusion.

It's hard to understand, I know, but this is my reality. If I could go back to the day we met, I would push him away and tell him to leave me alone. Yet, I wonder, would I really go through with that idea, given the chance? Most likely not.

After all, what's the day without the night?

(( 9:09 p.m. ))

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