Second day of college was short, but I feel like I'm going to like my CG class. The class is about college readiness, organization, self-management, blah blah blah. It was only from 1:30 - 2:50 pm, and we had to do this ice breaker (which as stated before, I hate) but it wasn't so bad. I know a few people in the class, so I'm not completely alone. And I like the professor too, which is a good thing. When she took roll, everyone was supposed to say why we were all going to college and, if we knew, what major we were pursuing. I said I was going to college to get a degree, get a good job, and end up with a nice salary. I also said I was thinking about going into engineering.
Well there was another boy in the class who also said he was going into engineering, and I hope we can be friends so I know at least someone going into the field. He also looks really familiar, and I can't place where I've seen his face before. Or at least a face similar to his. Also that boy that's in my writing class, the one who came off like he knew he was smarter than everyone, is also in my CG class. So I really hope he doesn't get on my nerves, because I'll have to see him everyday.
Today, parking was a nightmare. Well, it could have been worse. I only spent 5 minutes looking for a spot, whereas another person said that they were looking for a spot for 45 minutes. I was driving through the parking lot watching for people going to their cars, and I saw to girls walking towards a red Prius. Since I was in the same section that they were parked in, I had to turn around and wait for the spot. By the time I got back (which was within 20 seconds), there was already some other chick waiting for the spot. And since she was waiting first, I had to keep looking. I grumbled to myself claiming she stole my spot. I get to the end of a section and was trying to decide which way to go when I saw someone backing out of their spot. I quickly made sure no one was coming and that no one was already waiting for them, and I drove forward. When they got all the way out of the spot, I saw someone on the other side looking at the same spot. When the once-parked car drove out of the way, I sped into the spot. The other people probably grumbled at me for taking the spot, haha.
After school, I went to the store to pick up a few things, and as I'm driving back, I decide to take the back roads to get home to avoid all of the traffic. Well, the side roads go by businesses, so they have those yellow spaces in the middle where people turn. So I turned onto the side street and I look into my rear view mirror and see some woman on my ass. I don't know if she tailed me through the light or not, but I sped up in hopes for her to let up. But instead, she drove to the left a little bit, as if she was trying to see what was in front of me. She drives into the yellow section and drives up right next to me. This is what really pissed me off: she was smiling at me. It was the type of smile that read "Ha, I win". Then she speeds ahead of me and goes at least 40 mph in a 30 zone. As she was passing me though, I looked her in the eyes and flipped her the bird. Probably not the safest thing to do, since I wasn't paying attention to the road ahead of me, but I was mad. I wanted to "brake check" her to get her off of my tail, and I wanted to swerve into the yellow section to prevent her from passing me, but I didn't. I've never gotten in an accident, and I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible. Plus, my mom would be so mad at me if I told her I did that.
Oh well, I guess. Tomorrow's a new day, and a new chance for other things to make me mad. Fingers crossed nothing does, though.
- A
My College Years
Non-FictionSo on an old account I had, I wrote about my first two years of high school. Since they were a total cringe-fest, I decided to do it again, haha. So my many college adventures will be posted here! Enjoy!