Chapter three.

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<Hey so this chapter took FOREVER to write so I hope you like it. X>

I ran, bag in hand, down my street.

One problem. I don’t even know where I’m going. I’ve never actually left my home by myself.. I’ve always been with my mum or the butler. In a limo. That I couldn’t see out of. Damn, I didn’t think this plan out very well did I?

“SHIT!” I screeched. I was running across the road when suddenly some idiot turns down the street and came towards me.

I froze. Like a deer. I fucking froze.

Why? I don’t know, because im a dubass.

The black van was honking, I heard the tires sqeal and the car stop and swerve off of the road.

I suddenly unfroze and looked to see five guys jump out of the car.

Oh no! I couldn’t let them see me! They would recognize me in a blink!

So I did the one thing I knew how to do.. I ran.

“HEY COME BACK!” Someone yelled. But I kept running.


and just with those last to words. I again froze. They know? I turned around in slow motion only to come face to face with the five boys that I saw come out of the Van. They seem oddly familiar..

“Y’know love, maybe you should try a mask. We saw your face when you froze.” The curly haired one said.

I slowly and steadily backed away. As soon as I was far enough away, I turned and ran again in one swift movement.

“SHIT GUYS! GET HER!!” One yelled.

The last thing I saw was them hopping into their van to chase me, then I turned the corner.


Louis’ pov.

“WATCH OUT!” Niall yelled at me. I saw a girl run into the street right in front of us.

I started honking but she was still there. I stomped onto the breaks, the car squealed and swerved of the rode. “FUCK!” I yelled and just before the car went into a tree it stopped.

We looked to where the girl was and she had froze.

“Guys.. is that-“. “Yeah, that’s princess Lauren.” I cut Zayn off.

<OOOOO not really a cliffhanger but OOOOOOO.

SORRY IF ITS SHORT. Live it, learn it, love it. Much love. –Morgan x> ; Lauren’s ootd when she runs away (:

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