Begining of the worst summer ever

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This story starts with a young girl around the age 14, her name is Isabelle, she lives on a peaceful farm with her mom, dad, twin brothers Mike and Ethan, and her new baby brother John.

"Isabelle, Your father needs help with the hogs!" Isabelles' mom called "COMING!!" Isabelle yelled back.. She was running down the hall when she tripped over her dog, the dog let out a huge growl. "Isabrat! What did you do now?!" Mike teased "Shut up! Also don't call me 'Isabrat'! just because you're 16 and I'm 14 doesn't mean you have the right to be mean! Isabelle snapped "Whatever." Mike rolled his eyes and continued with his video games in the living room.

Isabelle was finally outside running towards the barn, "I'm here dad!" she exclaimed, he motioned her towards him and the pig. "Uhmm... Dad what's happing?" she asked "It's her turn" he replied "for what?" She asked again "to give brith isabelle! what else?!" he snapped. Then he pointed towards the door and mouthed 'leave'. So she left.

When she got back to the house her brothers had locked the door on her "oh great, How could this day get any worse?" she mumbled. After standing out there for ten minutes her mom came to unlock the door. "Dad didn't need my help" Isabelle said her mom didn't look that sorry for her so she just rolled her eyes and went to her room so she could be alone.

"Hey Isabrat! Your boyfriend's on the phone" Ethan teased, "Ooohhh Issy has a boyfried!" Mike teased as well. "Oh my god. GET OUT LOSERS! YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN MY ROOM!" She was so mad, annoyed and sad she just wanted to cry right there, but she knew crying in front of her brothers is a bad idea. "Woah, Calm down! we're just having some fun" they snickered as they walked away. Isabelle slammed her door and grabbed her phone "Uhhh, hey sorry you had to hear that Jake.." she said, he didn't answer at first than he start to talk "Oh uh, it's okay. But uh, I've gotta uhh go sorry !! umm bye!" His voice was soft but sounded scared. Isabelle was worried that he was scared of her now. She couldn't imagine a summer without her best friends! her friend Alexandria (Alex for short) was going to be in France all summer and if she lost jake it would be the worst summer in history!

She must of fallen asleep because she opened her eyes to her mother and father in her room yelling her name "Isabelle?! ISABELLE?!" "Oh look honey she opened her eyes" her father pointed "Oh goddess Isabelle I thought you died!" her mother exclaimed. "Oh well no I was sleeping..." Isabelle said, "why were you trying to wake me up anyways?" she asked "its dinner time dear" her mom said as she ruffled Isabelle's hair.

They walked down stairs to the kitchen tabel, since it was the last day of school tomorrow tonight Isabelles' mom cooked everyones' favorite pork chops, potatoes, broccoli, and carrots. "smells good mom!" the kids said, their mom smiled. Two minutes into dinner their father started a conversation "So, will any of you kids be home at all this summer?" he asked, Mike shrugged "doubt it dad" he said, "I bet Issy is gonna be home, she's got no friends" Ethan laughed and high-fived Mike, Isabelle glared "You boys won't be going anywhere if you're going to be mean to your sister" their mother said.

After dinner Isabelle asked her mom if she needed help, "oh no honey you go get ready for your last day of school" her mom replied "okay mom" Isabelle said as she went upstairs.

She started going threw her closet looking for clothes, She found a cute top that was summerish but also schoolish, also she found a cute pair of shorts, she laid them on her bed "perfect" she said.

Her mom was coming upstairs to tell everyone bed time when all the sudden gun shots went off and Police Cars were going down the street, Isabelle ran out of her room "what was that mommy?!" Isabelle exclaimed "I'm not sure hun I hope your father is okay." Isabelles' mom said back, then more gun shots went off close enough to the house that the boys heard it and came running out of their room, "What the heck was the mom?" they yelled "I'm not sure boys. Issy go get your baby brother please" "okay mom." Isabelle went to grab her brother and ran back to were her mom and brothers were "let's go downstairs kids" Isabelles mom insisted so down they went.


-Knock knock- The mom walked to the door, she looked threw the peaky hole and saw it was a police officer. So she opened the door.. "Hello m'am" "hi" "sorry to wake you up this late but is all your family home?" "um let me check." Isabelles' mom ran upstairs to check if tom was home but he wasn't and the kids were still in the living room so she ran back downstairs. "My husband isn't home" "okay can I see a I.D card for him?" "Sure" Isabelles' mom went threw his wallet and found his I.D card "here. "Okay thank you m'am we will call you if we hear anything" "bye."

It was the next day still no sign of the father and nothing from the police "I really hope dads okay" Mike said "same he was gonna teach me how to hunt and drive like a pro!!" Ethan said, Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Of course he's gonna be okay!" she blurred out "I mean he has to! right mom" Isabelle looked at her mom with desperate eyes "Uh... Well darling its not for sure he'll come back but -" Isabelles' mom got cut off from the phone starting to ring "Hello?" "Hello is this Amanda pike?" "Uh yes, why?" "Okay well, M'am this is officer ted." "Umm. Is there something wrong officer?" "Yes actually there is, it's about your husband Tom Pike." Isabelles' moms' tired look turned into a worried look and so did the kids, "Oh, Um what is it?" she braced her self for hearing he's gone "We've found him but he is-" She broke into tears "Dead?" she asked. Ted cleared his voice "No m'am he alive but with serous injuries" "What kind?" "He has taken a bullet to the back of his leg and his head, The doctors are trying to make him better but not sure if he's going to make it much longer." "Oh my gosh" she had nothing to say she was balling her eyes out, Isabelle grabbed the phone said "bye" and hung up so she could comfort her mother.

Isabelle could barley get ready for school all she could think about is her dad in the hospital dying and her mother is in her room sobbing her eyes out.

"Finally ready for my last day!" she said, She was sitting on the couch watching sponge bob square pants when she heard a loud BANG. "What the heck?" she ran upstairs and slammed open her moms door "Mom what was that?" she asked, her mom was picking up a photo album that fell from the closet " Oh nothing just dropped something from the closest. But you better get going or you're going to miss the bus." "okay bye mom I love you" she blew her mom a kiss and left.

At school Isabelle was telling her friends Alex and jake about last night when they heard a gun shot close by were they were hanging out. Then the schools code red bell started going off, so all the kids ran inside to their first class rooms to hide. "What's going on?" alex whispered, Jake shrugged and Isabelle started to cry.

After 5 minutes of crying a 'popular' boy crawled over to an empty space beside Isabelle and put his arm around her to comfort her. "Huh, oh uh who are you?" Isabelle asked whipping the tears away. "I'm-" the boy was cut off by the over head 'IT'S CLEAR EVERYONE YOU MAY NOW GO TO YOUR CLASSES' Mrs. Hogs practically yelled.

"I've got to go we'll finish this conversation later." "But I just want to know who you are!" By the time Isabelle could get a good look at this boy he was already gone. "Mhmmm, I wonder what boy would just come up to me and comfort me like that? deffitanly not one of the jocks I know that." she thought to herself.

The day went by fast, The last day of grade nine over. "Hey belly your mom is outside to pick us up" Alex yelled across the hall trying to push her way threw the crowd, a jock was walking by and over heard Alex yell 'belly' he thought it was really funny so he walked over to Isabelle. "Hey Isabelle the belly better hurry to your mommy don't want your mommy thinking you're hurt or anything" the jock snarled "shut up." Isabelle snapped as she walked away. She could hear the jock taunting and laughing at her as she walked away out the doors.

Bad summer gone goodWhere stories live. Discover now