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i just wanted to say thanks to the people who read my crappy books! It means a lot to me that you guys are likeing them.  Please if ou have comments or suggestions please post them i do read them all ^-^ I really would love suggestions on any of my books.  But story time !!!

Steven's POV: I sit in the seat across from the hospital bed Kevin was laying in, after i got my arm set and got my arm in a cast, the guys had let me see him alone.  He was just making this loopy smile at the ceiling....what the floop ( xD Steven doesn't swear) was in that needle! If he knew it or not he was talking....talking about me.  I debated if I should listen or not but curiosity got the best of me, so i sat and listened to him.  "pooour poour Stevennnn haha.......I hope my lovvve is oookaay....."  I blush his love? Did he like me ..... maybe that kiss wasn't just for the dare maybe.....maybe he likes me too!  

After a while the doctor said he was aloud home as long as we let him rest.  oddly enough Aleks and Seamus were still dressed like they were  yesterday in school, making some patrons look at us funny as we carried out Kevin. It would have been funny if Kevin wasn't a loopy idiot and every one wasn't tense. When we got home sly dragged me down down stairs to hang out with the guys, to take every ones minds off the latest events, what a way to have a Friday all sitting in a hospital watching Kevin.  Why did Thursday and Friday have to be such a but!

After a while Aleks came down with a very lost looking Kevin.  My heart drops a bit, i don't like how hes been hurt so much all in a week, the first week of high school for crying out loud! Aleks steers Kevin towards a seat.  He just sits there looking at his half eaten poptart.  "Hey yo hommie!" Sly starts sitting on the arm of his chair. " You feeling ok ?"  Kevin nods and then a few seconds later again like he hadn't known if he had already said something.  He opens his mouth nodding again, "Yeah".  It's quite but heard.  "Come on guys lets do something fun !"   Jordan suggests.   

Kevin's POV: 

I was fine after I came down stairs but come on i wanted to make a big come back, and that i intended to do! I smiled as i was lightly pushed into a car seat looking around.  we head into a mall and walk past a store with suits and dresses....perfect!  I look at the group and slowly drifting from the group and walking into the store.  I buy a suite and hat come on i gotta i smile paying and putting it on.  i lean out of the door to see a panicking group.  I inch closer standing behind a corner where they are.  "Oh god we lost a loopy Kevin in a huge building!!" I recognize Stevens voice.  I walk by them, standing infront of the destressed group.  "I couldnt help but hear you lost some one ?" , I ask in a posh voice one of my favorites.  Sly looks up quickly then back down "No so-KEVIN!", He shouts.  I back up "ME!", I mock  "Your ok and not loopy or anything?" Aleks askes.  "Nope just wanted to make a come back" i say smoothing out the suit and tapping the hat.  They just laugh and we head to the arcade.

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