Why Birds Run Into Windows

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You know those people who are only half-conscious throughout the day, but then out of no where they get this extreme rush if energy around 12am? I'm one of those people. So the other night as my friends were dropping me off after a movie, I was considerably loopy, and extremely energetic. I mean that kind of energy where you don't walk anywhere. You gallop.

So there I am getting on of the back of my friends car saying my goodbyes, when I make the most embarrassing mistake known to mankind.

"Goodbye! I love you!" And I didn't just say it casually, as if it was just a habit taking over, I said it full of energy, and I said it loud.  Naturally I wanted to correct my mistake so I run to the drivers side window and begin to bang on it. I tried to shout through the glass to tell them that I made a mistake, and maybe redeem some of my dignity. However, they did not hear my explain because they were to busy laughing.

Now this is why birds run into windows. Windows are clear. You cannot properly estimate how far away they are. Birds also have a lot of energy, so once they're headed toward the window they're moving to fast to stop.

This is also why I hit a window.

To get their attention I decided I would have to get closer to the window. Naturally, I nose dived straight into the window and cracked my nose on the glass.


That got their attention.

This is why birds run into windows. This is also why I have gained much sympathy for birds.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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A book written by a very Clumsy GirlWhere stories live. Discover now