Chapter 21

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"Kiss me..."

He came in and our lips meet.

My wolf was running in circle, jumping and howling with pride.

"We have to go now he has found us". I nodded and came to my senses.

We ran passed... and ran.. we came to a stop, "he can't find us now he won't be able to see use, we are in the royal territory" he said and smiled at me. I smiled back and he grabbed my neck, pulled me close and kissed me again. and again and again. Butterflies were all over my stomach. something told me this was right but something was saying what about Ethan my mate, my alpha.

"Come its time for you to meet someone ". He said as he broke away

We walked through a pair of double doors and there he was.

"Daddy?!?" I said

"Yes princess it me hehe come here and give your dad a hug, Alex she's home!". My dad said and I ran in his arms.

Alex came along and hugged us.

"Ok now that in here you three have some explaining to do". I told them and looked at them from my dad to Alex and finally to Abel with a smile.

"Ok let's go in my office shall we". My dad said and looked at me and Abel as we kept looking at each other. "umm can you guys start walking". Alex interrupted our moment.

We entered a nice and cozy office.

"Ok well to start your mother was queen of this territory, I was her second mate she had to mate but she choose me over the one that she had even thought she had known him longer but the bond with me was stronger, she was marked but the fact that she was royal and he wasn't her true mate she didn't feel the pain and neither did he, We had your bother and you came a couple of years latter, when she was died she told me to take you on your right path" my dad explained

"You like your mother had 2 mates you have the same, one of your mates is not really and truly your mate, the other one Is the one that you feel safe and happy in there arms. your brother hasn't found his mate so he can't hair the crown and you benign like your mother have every right to take over the thrown and choose your true mate". Abel finished up and that just stunned me. I was princess and not only that I have TWO MATES. Well isn't that just great.

"And bye the looks of it you have mated with your mate" my dad said a bit uneasy going about it. I blushed a bit shyly and looked at the floor trying to hide my face and show respect.

"My daughter your Mather was a great leader with her mate, you need to find you other mate and see which one is your true mate no mater how hard it is to tell they other his not your mate, you have to do this with care take all the time you need, but don't take to long, hehe".my dad spoke with pride.

"Oh and one more thing this is you home, ill be going now you and Abel may have a lot to talk about". My dad left the room and took Alex with him

I looked into his eyes and saw as his smile grew on his face. His bottom lip was bigger then the top one and it made a perfect smile. we were nose to nose chest to chest and hand in hand. his heart beat was like music and his hands were like a shield.

"Rosa I-I love y-you". His words made my eyes close and his hands went around me and pulled me closer and closer to him. 'mate' my wolf howled.

'Kiss him' my wolf told me 'go on, kiss him, you and I both know you want to and I know that he might be our true mate'.

I put my hand in the back of his head and brought him closer to me, my eyes closed on their account. I could feel his lips inches away and my body ached to know that he wasn't closer. I put one hand on his chest and the other still on the back of his head as my fingers played with his thick hair. I heard a low purr underneath my hand. I couldn't help it any more.

..... I kissed him....

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