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"Man, you really don't knock, do you?" Madison sighed as Klaus swung open her bedroom door and walked in as she sat on the bed with a book in front of her.

"There's something downstairs for you. It must've come last night, I found it on the porch this morning," Klaus told her.

She followed the Hybrid downstairs where a box sat in the foyer. Madison flicked her wrist, and the box opened. She dug through the styrofoam beans and pulled out an instrument case.

"What the hell..." she trailed off as she popped open the case, revealing a cello.

"You play the cello?" Klaus asked.

"I've never even touched one in my life," the witch shook her head as she pulled it from the case. "I don't understand."

"Hold on, there's a note," he pulled a piece of paper from the bottom of the box. "To my dearest Madison on her 19th birthday. Love, Natalie Montgomery. Wait, Montgomery?"

"That's impossible," Madison shook her head, placing the cello on the ground, her breathing was heavy. "She's dead. This is a lie. This is Sophie trying to mess with me."

Klaus looked at the witch who was frantically emptying the box in an attempt to find an explanation.

"Madison, I need you to calm down," he grabbed her by the shoulders. "Please. Maddy, calm down. Now tell me, who is Natalie Montgomery?"

Madison took several deep breaths before answering, "Natalie Montgomery is my mother. And she died in front of me on December 25th, 1999."

"But if she's dead how did she send you that?"

"She didn't. Someone is messing with me," the witch used her magic to put all the styrofoam beans back in the box. "But clearly that someone wasn't well informed."

"And why is that?" Klaus folded his arms over his chest as she began to walk away.

Madison turned around and chuckled a little before a glare was plastered on her face and hand placed on her hip. The blonde didn't even have to glance at the box for it to light up in flames.

"You don't mess with the Supreme," she stated in a cold tone, an angry look taking over her features before she strutted out of the room.


Madison sat on the kitchen counter, opening the fridge with her telekinesis, pulling out food for her breakfast.

"Good morning," Elijah greeted as he entered the kitchen.

"Hey," she nodded.

Rebekah entered through the back door, dragging a trash can behind her.

"Listen, I know Hayley and I the only ones in this house that actually drink milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?" Madison sighed as Hayley walked into the kitchen, a smile forming on her lips when she saw Elijah.

"Speaking of, add bleach," Rebekah frowned before continuing through the kitchen and into the living room.

Madison jumped down the kitchen counter and pulled ice cream from the freezer while Elijah dug around in a cupboard.

"You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable to you both in my absence."

"In your absence, as you like to call it – which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your crazy, hot brother put a dagger in your heart," she turned around and saw him bringing a bowl, spoon and a bag of cereal to the counter. "I have been attacked by French Quarter vampires, I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, I was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced my baby is Lucifer, and my hormones are going wild and now I don't know if I want to sleep with your brother or kill him."

WILD ROSE | N. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now