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Madison burst into the church, a light sweat forming on her forehead from both the heat and worry. Marcel greeted her almost immediately, quickly guiding her toward's Davina's room in the attic.

"Wait here," Marcel instructed before entering. "Hey, D, how you feelin'? Got you some stuff, organic soap, and scented candles, some incense. Just trying to help you get back to feeling, you know, yourself. Word on the street is the witches are celebrating. Three out of the four girls sacrificed in the Harvest have come back. First, it was your friend, Monique, and then another girl, now you."

The young witch remained silent, staring off into the corner of the room.

"I also brought you a friend," Marcel nodded for Madison to enter, and the Supreme took a seat on the bed next to Davina who looked pale and sickly. "And I know you don't wanna talk to me, but you might wanna talk to her."

"Hey, D," Madison gently reached out and placed a hand over Davina's before turning to Marcel. "You can go now."

She waited until she was sure the vampire was gone before she opened her mouth to talk.

"I know it feels like you're going through this alone, but I promise you you're not. I've been where you are, remember, and there is not a day that goes by where I'm not haunted by everything I went through in hell."

Davina shook her head, the tears in her eyes threatening to spill, "There was nothing. It was cold, empty, and dark. And it went on forever. Is that what it was like for you?"

"No," the blonde sighed. "It's different for everyone. It takes your biggest fear or your worst memory and it makes you suffer through it forever."

"What was yours?" The young witch asked with a shaky voice.

"It was the I got raped, except Marcel wasn't there to save me." The tears in Davina's eyes began to flow and Madison felt her heart break. "Come here."

The Supreme wrapped her thin arms around the young girl, rubbing her back soothingly.


Madison quietly left Davina's room, shutting the door behind her when she bumped into Cami.

"Oh! I, um, I assume you're here for Davina," Madison point to the door with her thumb, not really knowing what to say to the bartender. "She's asleep right now, so you might want to wait a bit. I was just leaving."

"Madison, right?" Cami asked casually, already knowing her name. "You're Klaus' girlfriend."

"That's me."

"I don't know if you remember or not, but a while ago you said I looked like Natalie. Did you mean my mom? Did you know her?"

"Uh, yeah," the Supreme nodded. "Yeah I knew her."


"She was my mom too." Shock was evident on the bartender's face. "We have different dad's, it's why she left you guys."

"When was the last time you saw her? Do you know where she is?"

"Uh, Christmas Day 1999 when she killed herself in front of me," Madison made gun shape with her hand and held it against her temple. "I'm pretty certain she's in hell now. That's usually where they go when they're a shitty person."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry you had to see that," she reached out and placed a hand on Madison's arm.

The Supreme flinched visibly under her touch and moved away, "I, um, I have to go. Tell Davina I'm sorry, and that I love her."

Madison moved towards the staircase, about to leave when Cami called out to her.

"Hey, Madison, it was really nice meeting you," she smile kindly. "I hope we can see each other again soon."

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