Chapter 5-They took everything

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I walked down stairs and I saw leather chairs and a bunch of boxes. I sat on one of the leather chairs and waited for Seamus. All of a sudden I hear a big crash. I turn around and see a big pile of boxes toppled over and one guy just cursing. It wasn't James that's for sure.

"God Dammit!" He says he stumbled over and sat on the chair next to me. I got awkward because I didn't know who he was. I just moved over as much as I could to the side of the chair.

"Hey who are you?" said the guy. I looked at him. I pointed to my face because I don't like talking to random people. "Yes you. Who are you?" he said.

I was starting to get nervous but right on cue Seamus came down the stairs. "Hey Danielle are you OK?" he asks. I shake my head no and point at the man who was sitting next to me.

"Oh you're here with Seamus. My bad. Well nice to meet you Danielle. I'm Dan." he says. He stuck his hand out and I awkwardly shook it.

"Hey Dan? Can I talk to you for a second?" says Seamus. "Sure." Dan gets up and walks with Seamus to another room. I wonder what they are going to talk about.


"What's wrong Seamus? Why did you need to talk to me?" says Dan.

"It's about Danielle." I say with sort of a worried tone.

"Yea, about her, What's her problem, she seems kind"

I sigh and tell him "She is normally like that you shouldn't really go up to her and start asking her questions or she gets a bit awkward and probably won't talk. She did it to Jordan too so it isn't just you."

"OH! OK I get it now. Wait then how does she know you?" he says lifting an eye brow.

"We met at school this morning and she caught me staring at her and she told off that one stalker chick and I walked with her to her next class and then it proceeded from there. We actually saw each other at the mall. She went to target and I finished my last shift there, we saw James and we all went to EB games and she was fearless againsst this guy-" I was cut off by Dan.

"Breath Seamus. Breath!" I inhaled and exhaled.

"When we went to EB games some guy pointed a gun to her head and she didn't react! She just stood there. When the shot the ceiling, she was like a ninja and quickly went around him and made him pass out. She tied him up and took the clip out of the gun! James said she was bad ass after he hugged her." I took in a deep breath.

"Damn. We need her when were moving to protect the computers. Ha Ha. Well let's order that pizza." Dan says walking out. He walked out and took a seat at the far end of the leather chairs. I took a seat next to Danielle. "Hey what do you like on your pizza?" I ask.

She looks at me and said "Bacon..." I look at her. "That's my favourite topping actually." I said. "Mine too..." She says. I smile. Jordan called the pizza place and ordered and X-large pizza with pepperoni and bacon.

"I'M HERE!" yelled some one. I heard some one stomp down the stairs. It was Eddie. Danielle immediately noticed him. "Oh hey Danielle. Didn't know you where here." He says.

"Hi Eddie..." She says. Dan looked shocked that Danielle responded to Eddie. In about 20 minutes the pizza came and Jordan set it on the table in front of us. He handed me and Danielle a paper plate. After I took a slice and took a bite into it, she served her self the smallest slice there was in the pizza. She finished it and left the paper plate on her lap. Her phone vibrated. She answered it.

"Hello?" Her expression changed after she said Hello. She looked at me panicked.


"Hello?" I say. It was Anna. "Danielle please come home now. Someone robbed us and took your mothers necklace! Danielle...Danielle?" I couldn't speak. My voice didn't seem to coming out. I look at Seamus who is wondering what's going on. "I'm coming home. I'll be there soon." I say with a tear coming down cheek.

"Danielle...Are you ok?" Seamus asked. I shook my head no. "What happened?" I lost it after he said this. I started crying. "Hey, hey ,hey, hey. Please don't cry Danielle..." He's says on his knees in front of me. "Tell me what happened?" he says. I wipe away the tears.

"My house got robbed. Some one took the necklace my mother gave me before she left to Peru..." The tears started back up again. I stand up and so does Seamus. I looked at him. I lost my balance and fall into him. I was crying on his shoulder. He puts his arms around me.

"Jordan. Can we take her home?" Seamus asks. "Of course." He says. He helped me up the stairs and into the garage. I sat in the back seat. Seamus sat next to me while Jordan drove. I cried into his shoulder the whole way to my house. When we got the drive way of my home, there was police and flashing lights.

I saw Anna in the in the living room window, pacing. I quickly leave the car and run to Anna. I stumble through the door and almost trip on the rug.I got to her. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were stained with tears. I started crying again and hugged her tight. "Danielle...They took every thing..." I fell to my knees and started crying. I haven't cried this much since my grand mother's passing.

I look through the window and I see Seamus. I leave the house and go to him. "Danielle..." he says quietly. "Come with me? Too my room?" I say crying. He nods. I walk into the house with Seamus behind me. Anna was talking to the police. I walk up the stairs and into my room. Everything was a mess.

I matress was against the wall. My suit case was torn up. My closet was half empty with clothes sprawled out all over the floor. I see my photo album on the floor. I run and pick it up. I look through the pages. Pictures of my mother and I smiling. Having fun. Dancing, just memories together. This was the only thing I have to remember my mother by, all the memories.

When my mom pushed me on the swings, my birthday parties, all the things I WILL remember even with out pictures, but it was a big a part of me that was those pictures.

I find the case that the necklace was in. The necklace was gone. I kept crying and crying. I got up and looked at Seamus. A was coming down his right cheek. I go to him. "Are we still on for games?" I ask with a sad voice.

"Only if you want to." he said. I nod and smile, I know my mother wouldn't want me to stay sad. She would want me to move on with life and face the challenges. Seamus smiles.

"Seamus?" I say. "Yea?" I look at him. I give him a hug. "Thank you." I say

"For what?" He says. I let go of him. "For just being you." I say with a smile. Anna comes in my room sniffling.

"Danielle. We can't stay here. The police are going to investigate. I have a friend who is going to look after you while I stay in hotel looking for another house." I gasped.

"No! I don't want to stay with one of your friends! Can't I stay some where else?!?!?" I scream.

"She could live with us!" Says Seamus. I look at him. "I can talk to Jordan right now he is still out side waiting for me."

"I don't know. Danielle will you ok if you stay with him?" I could tell she'a really thinking about what to do about this.

I nod my head. "...Well alright. But I'll be visiting every weekend! Ok?"

"Ok I'll go talk to Jordan. I'll be right back." He leaves Anna and I in the room. She grabs a suit case for me and she helps me pack things.
How did you guys like the first couple of chapters? I'm having fun writing them. I wonder what's going to happen next. Find out in the next chapter of A new start- A Creature fanfic.

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