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Layla's POV:

That stinging pain was back and no matter how hard I try I can't move my body! That annoying beeping sound was the only thing I could really hear. But I also can't remember what happened to make me like this. Mustering all the strength I open my eyes, a blinding light fills my blurry vision.

"Dim the lights!" A manly voice commands.

My vision starts to clear and I can see my surroundings, I'm in a white room on a bed like table and there are machines hooked into my arms and legs. My eye connect with grey ones after scanning the room and a deep painful feeling spreads through me. Clutching my chest I start to cough, warm hands reach my back and the stinging pain starts to weaken.

"Reth." I mumble leaning into the hands.

"Yes I'm here." I hadn't noticed that everyone that was once here left.

"What happened?" I groan rubbing my temples, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You mean you don't remember?" he asks grabbing my chin and making me look at him.

That pain returns as well as my groans and I turn away. He growls pulling me into his embrace with me resting my head against his chest listening to his heart beat. As he traces unknown patterns on my back the pain subsides.

"His scent was all over you! And when we went to search he was know where to be found." he growls.

"Who?" I ask confused.

He sighs before shaking his head, "he could have killed you, interfering with the mate bond is one thing but when your human it's much more painful."

It was getting hard to listen to what he was saying because my eyes started to shut, "just rest and I'll explain tomorrow." he lays me back me still in his arms.

Something tells me I'm never going to leave his arms if he can help it.

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