Chapter 5- Hide and Seek

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I wake up the next morning, get ready and go to the doorway, seeing that Jake is still asleep.

"Morning" He jumps up and looks around frantically.

"Where am I?!" I stay where I am so I don't alarm him any further.

"Relax! You stayed the night, remember?" Jake looks at me blankly. He calms down and sits up/

"Right" I give him a look like i'm waiting.


"Well what?"

"Lesson number one. When someone says 'good morning', you say it back."

"Good morning?" he replies.

"Could you leave the room for a second?"

"Sure. I go into the kitchen to make coffee. A minute later Jake comes into the kitchen. He had changed his clothes.

"Hey, make me two...Please"

"Oh you're learning" I laugh.

"How do you like it?"

"Verrrrry white. Lots of sugar. And can you put some chocolate in it too?" I give him a confused look.

"Chocolate?" He looks a little uncomfortable.

"I'm addicted to's not a big deal..."

"Ok ay then." I finish making the coffee and hand Jake his.

"Here ya go."

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome. So you figure anything else out about this dead body?"

"He was a drug abuser."

"How could you know that? You don't even know his name."

"Look closely at the picture." He passes  his phone to me.

"His eyes are bloodshot and he has bags. I also noticed a needle and syringe hanging out of his pocket when I walked past." He explains as I look at the picture.

"Okay, but how does this help us? Good eyes by the way"

"Well, I can check the police criminal registry for his first name, Leroy." I look away from the picture and back at Jake.

"Leroy?" He looks concerned.

"Uh, I mean, doesn't he look like a Leroy to you?" He asks sounding somewhat uneasy.

"You know his name. How did you find it?!" He looks me in the eyes.

"Forget I said anything." He gets up and starts heading for the door.

"Jake!" I run past him and block the door.

"No, I won't! I am already involved in this, you can not just make me sit here and do nothing!" He sighs and puts on his jacket.

"He was my dealer, okay?" I stare at him, shocked.

"Dealer?! What exactly was he dealing?" He looks down.

"I've been clean for a month." I sigh.

"Fine, but like you said, you are clean." I look at him concerned.

"How many other buyers did Leroy have?"

"I'm not sure, I only met up with him once a week or so. All I know is his first name."

"Since you seem so good at researching, see if you can figure out who some of his buyers were and see if they are deaf. Maybe you are next. You did go to him several times."

"I'm already aware I may be a target, but I don't think that's it. There's a better chance it was one of his customers that did it. Now the only thing to do is find out who would have done it." He explains.

"Where did you meet each time?" I ask.

"Alleyways normally, never the same place twice. I did notice, however, that they are always equidistant from one storehouse." I smile.

"There we go, I was looking for a pattern. I'm assuming there are no cameras though, so I guess that doesn't really help."

"We could always just show up. He's dead so he doesn't need to use it." Jake says with a shrug.

"But nothing would happen. The buyer who killed him won't show up there. He or she wou;ld have no reason to."

"No, but there might be a clue there. Maybe a list of clients or a registry?"

"Okay" I say as I move out of the way.

"Lets go then"

"Wait..One more thing."

"Yes?" He pulls $30 from his pocket.

"I took this from your wallet last night." I shake my head.

"Thank you for giving it back. But why did you take it in the first place?"

"Uh, compensation?" He asks smiling awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck. I laugh at his awkwardness.

"Is there anything else you took?" When I ask, Jake's face turns read.

"Uh...No" I roll my eyes and hold out my hand.

"Give me what you took Jake." He frowns and hands over a kitchen knife.

"What would you need this for?" I ask laughing.

"Anything else?"

"I don't know self defense!" He blushes.

"Can you not laugh?"

"Sorry" I say and get myself to stop laughing about the kitchen knife. I put the knife back and nod towards the door.

"Ready to go?" He puts his jacket on.

"Yes, I am." He steps outside and holds the door open for me as I follow him out.

The Adventures of Jake and Amy: Fates Dealer (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now