Not-So-Friendly Woodland Magic

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The two were circling over Central Park. Alex had opted to stay behind in Olympus to assist with the injured, along with anything else that might need him. Elijah and James were looking for anything that might indicate the demigod army's presence. Then, near the reservoir, they saw two armies.

One seemed to rally behind a column of light, while the other side was just joined together, no identifiable leader present from the height they were at.

"What's that light?" James asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Elijah retorted.

"No need to get upset... I was just asking."

"Let's get a little lower, but not too close; we don't want to be in range of any ranged anything," Elijah suggested, prompting his pegasus to do similarly.

"Very specific," James muttered as he followed suit.

"Do we have a flag?" Elijah asked James when he got to his level.

"We might. Why?"

"The light side has a flag. All I can see from up here is purple."

"I don't think purple is us. Remember Annabeth's moon-shield? The telka-whatsits had a purple flag with Kronos's symbol."

"Telkhines," Elijah corrected, before continuing. "Then let's land on the other side. Not too close, though; don't want the other side to try the obvious targets of us," Elijah said, and James nodded.

The two descended behind the ranks. Just as their horses touched down, the park roared to life. Satyrs, dryads, and demigods were rushing around the reservoir, while the monsters and demigods of Kronos's army were rushing around their side. Elijah noted the column of light, which he could now see as an armoured man, and a demigod, presumably Percy Jackson, walking towards each other on the surface of the water.

"C'mon, James! We can't let them have the fun without us!" Elijah called, but turned to see nothing there.

He shrugged, and filed in with the demigods and satyrs, tapping the pendant, which equipped his new armour, and held his sword sheathe to keep it from bouncing.

Time to test out my new outfit... he thought to himself.

Soon enough, the armies clashed. Just before they did, Elijah unsheathed his blade, and prepared to strike at whatever was about to be in front of him.

His silver blade was met by a Celestial Bronze one. The demigod holding it had hate in his eyes as he pulled his sword back to strike again.

Elijah, on full auto-pilot, stabbed the kid in the gut, before punching him aside so he could move to the next fighter.

Soon enough, he found himself completely surrounded by monsters and demigods. His fighting had taken him away from the line and into the enemy's ranks. He cursed to himself and prepared to fight whatever came next.

A demigod ran at him, sword raised and shield lowered to allow full motion. However, it also allowed Elijah to sidestep and slice through the demigod's lower stomach, a weak point in the armour.

As he did that, several monsters and demigods came to fight Elijah at once. He grimaced and went full defensive.

"Looks like you've gotten yourself into some trouble," he heard a voice call, but was focused on trying not to die to pay it much attention.

Next thing he knows, there's a shadow over him, and monsters and demigods are getting whipped by blurs. He takes a second to look up, seeing James on his pegasus, which is kicking heads while James slashes at monsters with Lepída.

"I've got it under control," Elijah mockingly protested as he runs his blade through a dracanae, smirking to himself.

"Right, and you weren't just inches from being monster chow."

"Correct. Now, let me on; we should probably get back before you get yourself hurt."

"Clear a few, and I'll think about it."

"As long as you help, it shall be done." Elijah paused for a second for a mock bow, quickly deflecting a blow while James's pegasus nailed the demigod with a kick to the temple, knocking him out.

Within minutes, Elijah was riding behind James on the pegasus back to friendly lines. Suddenly, the pegasus was knocked sideways by a strong gust of wind. Elijah fell off, but they were flying close enough to the ground that it didn't do damage.

Elijah picked himself up, groaning, and looked up. James was nowhere to be seen, but the strong winds forced him to squint. Wait... Strong winds? It was just as beautiful night as any. Minus the war, of course. And the couple fires.

He looked around, and saw that the Ray of Sunshine and Percy were duelling on the surface of the reservoir. Except, the light, whatever it was, couldn't get close to Percy, because he had his own personal hurricane that threw the armoured warrior back any time he'd try to get close. Percy shouted something Elijah couldn't hear, but the satyrs and dryads were soon racing towards the shore, where Percy was leading the man.

Within the next few minutes, Elijah saw the most terrifying display of woodland magic he'd ever imagined. While the man struggled, the satyrs and dryads danced around him, playing music or waving their arms, and slowly, very slowly, a trunk grew around his ankles. Then, his arms were seemingly forced into a Y, and they grew many feet long, sprouting leaves on the ends. He was shouting something to Percy, who had strolled right in front of him as a trunk continued to grow around and in him, before bark grew over what left of his face, and he was no more.

Elijah was standing still, shell shocked and terrified. However, he couldn't for long; he saw a few monsters and demigods that needed to be mopped up, so he went to do just that. Most of the demigods surrendered, but the monsters needed a bit of "convincing". He took the prisoners back to friendly lines, where another demigod took them off to wherever they were putting prisoners.


Yeah, I always thought this scene was pretty brutal.

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