Toilet of the Gods

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There was a roar, and Elijah turned to see the most terrifying creature he'd ever seen. It was easily as tall as most of the buildings around him, and had a personal hurricane around him. But, where Percy's was small yet powerful, this... monster's was huge; Elijah was having a hard time standing, the winds were so strong, and most of its body was hidden by clouds. And there were flashes of light around the creature, which was swatting at them. His size slowed his blow, but it was still something that isn't advisable to be in front of.

The hairs on the back of Elijah's neck stood to attention as a huge lightning bolt streaked the sky, seemingly originating from one of the flashes of light. The huge creature staggered a bit, before continuing its charge.

Just as it stepped into the Hudson to get through, the river roared to life. A giant whirlpool opened up at its feet, while another flash rose from the depths, followed by an army of dots from Elijah's angle. Lines soon streaked across the creature, and dragged it down into the whirlpool, like some ginormous toilet.

Mere minutes later, Elijah was being tended to by a nature spirit. She was spoon-feeding him ambrosia, and he was slowly regaining his motion back, but he still had a killer headache. After almost burning up from the amount of godly food the spirit was feeding him, she went to go help other injured, and Elijah passed out shortly thereafter.
Yes, I know it's short. And that is kinda sad. But, then, there's also the fact that this is wrapping up. So it's short, but justifiably so.
Anyway I'll probably post the next of AHT (if there is a next chapter) to compensate, but, otherwise, see you next week!

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