Chapter 1

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What’s up? My name is Monica Brown and I’m not like most girls around here. What do I mean by that? I had a very difficult past before I got married to my husband. I never told anyone what went on in my life but it seems like people already know. So I might as well tell it from the beginning because you know people can make up and switch up the story. I’m about to tell you the real story of “My Hard Life as Monica Brown. I should start from the beginning shouldn’t I?

Well it all started years 25 ago in the “Dirty South”. It was June 15, 1988. It was a hot day in Florida. My mom was 19 when she had me. My dead beat daddy left my mom when she told him she was pregnant. She raised me and my 4 other brothers and sisters the best she could. I was the oldest of the kids so I had to give up a lot for them. I remember everything that happened to me, the good things and the bad things. It was a hot day in June in Jacksonville; I remember that because I got on my mom last nerves about taking me to the store to get me a swimming suit. So after about the millionth time I asked her, she told me to go get in the car. I will never forget that day because the girl I couldn’t stand with a passion was there with her little group of friends I mean little. She came up to me and said, “Hey yall look at Monica, she shops of the clearance rack!” I wanted to punch her in her face so bad because she said it in front of Markus Blackmon. He was the finest boy in the 9th grade. I wanted go up and strangle her. I was going to the 9th grade in August. Instead of doing what I wanted I just walked up to her and said, “I know why you’re so mean to me Tasha.” She said, “And why is that Monica” I said with my hands on my hips, “Because you’re jealous of me and the way I look.” “Why should I be jealous of a fat, ugly, poor, black girl”, she said. Before I can say anything Markus Blackmon walked up and said, “Monica is not fat she is just right, she isn’t ugly she is beautiful, she isn’t poor her mom is just saving money, and what’s wrong with being black.” You should have seen her face. It was so red, she looked like a tomato. She walked off mad with her friends. I couldn’t believe that the finest boy in the 9th grade would take up for me. Markus was going the 10th grade when school started back. He smiled at me and said, “Hey Monica, are you ok?” I couldn’t say anything. I was just looking at his big smile. When I came back to my senses, I said, “Yeah I’m ok but I just got one question for you, why did you help me?” He smiled and said, “I think you’re sweet, funny, and beautiful so I helped you.” I was about to say something but my mom called my name. He said, “Can I get your number because I want to ask you something?” I said “Sure, its 478-4286.” He smiled and said, “Ok, I’m going to call you later Monica.” Next thing I know he hugged me. He smelt so good. I know that sound creepy but it was true. So my mom told me to come on so we could go home. I waved. As soon as I got home I called my best friend Tiffany Jackson. We have been friends since kindergarten. “You will never guess what just happened”, I said yelling. “Girl stop yelling in my ear and tell me”, Tiffany said. “Markus Blackmon took up for me when Tasha ugly self tried to talk about me”, I said. “Girl stop lying”, she said. “I’m not lying, girl hold on somebody trying to call me”, I said confused. I clicked over to see who it was. I answered and said hello but no one answered. I was about to hang up, then a voice said, “Hello, can I speak to Monica?”   I said, “This is her, who is this?” “This is Markus remember you gave me your number at the store earlier”, he said. “Oh yeah, hey I didn’t think you was going to call me”, I said smiling. “Why won’t I call a beautiful girl like you”, he said with his smooth talking self. “My best friend is on the other line so can I call you back after I get off the phone with her”, I said to Markus. “Yeah you can beautiful”, he said so sweetly. He hung up and I clicked back over. Tiffany and I talked for like 15 minutes. After I hung up with her I jumped in the shower and waited to call him back. I didn’t want to seem desperate. I was about to call him back but he called me back. I answered and said, “Hello, hey Markus, what’s up.” “Nothing just had to hear your beautiful voice. I have been thinking about you ever since we got off the phone. I want to ask you something but I don’t know how to ask you”, he said nervous. I was scared to ask him what it is but I was curious what it was. “What’s up Markus”, I said scared. “Well you know I’m about to be the star football play for Mincer High, and I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me sometimes? I mean I understand if you don’t want to go out with me”, he said sounding like he was sad. I didn’t know what to say I have been waiting on this day since we meet in elementary school. It took me like 10 minutes to say something. “I would love to go out with you”, I said so happy. Ok Markus was the first guy I ever liked. It was like he was my first love. I know that sound so sweet don’t it. But what would I know about love in the 9th grade. I was 15 but think about the music of the 90’s. You will learn about everything back then. The next day my two little sisters came in my room asking me twenty million and one questions. They were 10 and they were twins, double the trouble. They said, “We know about your date with Markus.” I acted like I didn’t hear them like I always do. They kept getting on my last nerve. I said, “Yeah, what about it?” Victoria asked, “When is it Monica?” “Tomorrow because it’s his birthday and he is going to have a birthday party”, I said irritated. They walked out and shut the door. I took a shower, put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and got in my bed and went to sleep. The next day I got us quick and did my hair I had long pretty hair but I always wore it in a ponytail. I asked my mom could she flat iron it for me because last time I burned all my fingers. My mom told me something that I tell my daughters today. She said, “Boys are one in a million. If they can’t love you for you then they ain’t the one for you.” When my mom said something incorrectly she meant it. At first I didn’t understand what she meant at the time but I would in the future. She told me things that I needed in my life. But let’s get back to where we were. I got to his house it was so big and pretty b. He came out and said,” Hey Monica come on in the party is in the backyard”, the inside of the house was so big; it looked like the houses you seen on TV. His mom was in the kitchen. He said, “Mom this is Monica, the girl I been telling you about”. She smiled and said, “Hi sweetheart Markus has been talking about you for the past 3 days”. He looked so embarrassed so he took me outside. I was the only girl there besides his sisters and cousins. He introduced me to everyone he knew. I felt so important. We sang happy birthday, ate cake and ice cream, and played games. I had so much fun. His mom told me that my mom was outside. I was sad because I didn’t want to go home. I said, “Ok here I come”. I looked at him and said, “Thanks for inviting me. I had so much fun”. Next thing I know he grabs my hands and look me in my eyes and kiss me. I kissed the boy of my dreams. I smiled and walked off. It was like 10:30pm when I got home and my mom asked how the party was and I said, “It was so fun”. 

My Hard Life as Monica BrownWhere stories live. Discover now