There is a pink elephant standing in my living room (1)

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Okay, I'm just going to be honest with you. If there's one thing I hate more than girls wearing cute little pink dresses, it is girls wearing cute little pink dresses with cute little pink stilettos.
And that just happend to be the first thing I saw this morning.
Maybe it's some bad kind of karma because I didn't harvest the crops yesterday like I was supposed to, but let's be real, I don't think those crops really care.
Or maybe I'm just unfortunate as usual.
Anyway let's get back to the way too exited bubble of pink in my livingroom.
So as I came out of my room this morning to go have breakfast I was unhappily surprised by an pink elephant blocking my way to the kitchen. Or at least so I thought. When she turned around I could see it wasn't an elephant, in fact, it was one of those ladies that worked at the local town hall.
Her name was Meridia - what kind of name even is that?- and she was head of the under aged creature department.
Meridia was kind of like, a way to sweet piece of bubble-gum wrapped in cotton candy.
She looked like candy, her voice was sweet as candy, her hair was pink as candy, and – If I'm not mistaken and I swear I'm not- she even smells like candy.
Not the nice type of candy either, that gross type, that sticks to your palate and destroys your tooth enamel as you eat it.
So, as usual, I immediately assumed that I was in some sort of trouble. I mean, what else would cotton candy be doing in my home.
However I couldn't be more wrong.
'O sweety there you are' she squeaked as she saw me. Her voice made me wanna throw up.
'What a sweet bed face' she said as she pulled me into a hug.
God what was wrong with this woman.
'Ailith, I see you've already found Meridia' my mom said as she walked in.
I still thought I was in trouble so I was surprised to see her smile at me as she walked in.
My mother was a Glade, just like me. Now I know what you're thinking: What the hell is a Glade?
Well, I will explain that to you. Glades are pretty much the shittiest magical creatures walking around on this planet. Now that should be enough for you but I'll explain it to you in a little more detail.
Look Glades are not some animal crossbreeds, we have two arms, two legs, and a head with hair on it. Which is something that makes us kinda fancy.
We're all born with an element color. Blue, red, black, green, yellow etcetera.
My color is pink, which includes that my hair is pink. That's about it.
Now usually I'm not such a big fan of pink, but let's be real here, pink hair is pretty badass.
Now there is one more cool feature about us that you should now.
Centuries ago, Glades used to be rare creatures. We were send on quests to earn our wings.
Our wings were huge and decorated and they matched our element color.
Wings were a sign of bravery and outstanding work. Only the best Glades received their wings. The big ass wings came along with a bunch of super strong magical powers.
We were the born warriors, evolving our magic skills like no other.
But as usual things changed and over the years the Glade population kept growing.
And that's how we ended up being pests of our civilization, no longer of any importance.
So where was I? Oh yeah, my mom walked in.
'Didn't feel like warning me?' I asked as I rubbed my sleepy eyes.
'Ailith, I didn't know Meridia was coming over either but you are allowed to sound a little bit more exited' she said and gave me a warning look. That look she always gave me when I was having a big mouth. So I saw it a lot.
'Yeah sure' I mumbled. 'Hello Meridia what are you here for' I said and I tried my best to smile, knowing I was failing miserably.
Meridia was either extremely stupid or a very good actress because she didn't seem offended of any kind when I wasn't utterly exited to see her.
'Well dear child, I've got some great news for you' she said as she clapped her hands.
'Great news, yeey' I mumbled.
'Ailith' my mom sissed under her breath.
I just nodded as Meridia continued her story.
'So with the day of the Raising Sun coming up me and the team have decided that our children should have a little practice before becoming an adult' she said excitedly.
The part of me that wondered who the hell she meant with team –for as far as I know she is just a weird publicity stund- got totally overruled by the part in me that wondered what she was talking about.
I mean, sure I was exited to become an adult and such, but for a Glade that meant harvesting crops a little further from home. So what kind of practice was she talking about?
'What kind of practice?' I asked curious.
'I just knew  you would be exited. Let's have a seat as I tell you' she skipped away with more excitement than a 30-years-old should be capable of to my opinion. Besides, I thought it was kinda rude to invite me to 'have a seat' in my own home. But as great as I am I decided to keep my mouth shut.
I saw my mom winking to me in encouragement, knowing she hated Meridia just as much as I did, as she turned around to put the dishes away. Her long wavy aqua blue hair swung graciously over her shoulders and I realised that at times like this I did look a little like her.
So I sat down next to Meridia.
I dropped the little walkie-talkie I had been holding all this time on the coffee table and I dropped myself on the couch, which ended up in Meridia giving me some judging looks. I looked around the place.
The walls were made of wood – which is pretty logic, considering the fact that we live in a treehouse – and the furniture was covered in leather, which was rare in our village. But my mom was befriended with Gale, one of the few hunters we have in our little district.
We have a little fireplace build in the wall across the couch, covered with stones to prevent the entire house from catching fire.
There was a huge open space between the kitchen and the living room which made it possible to look right at my mother that was washing an ugly coffee mug.
If you would go through the door next to the fireplace you'd ente a little hall that gave accesses to mine and my mothers room.
Not big, but it felt like home.
'Nice place you got here' Meridia said amused. I couldn't imagine her meaning that. Meridia got one of the big bungalows down near the lake. Those houses were only for the high-end people in our village, which meant that I never came down there. Now I'm not calling Meridia high-end, but she do is kind of a celebrity in our home town. A weird, overly exited, pink, cotton candy celebrity. Not only does she do the talking during festivities, she's also head of the Raising-Sun-Day-comity.
'So what's the news?' I asked as I looked at her.
'My dear, as I said, with the day of the Raising Sun coming up we want you to have a little practice'
'What do I need practice for' I asked sceptically. 'All I get to do is harvesting crops a little further from home'
Meridia sighted. She was probably annoyed that I interrupted her story but I couldn't care any less.
'I get that you want to do more my dear, but this is your task. You will do just fine' she smiled.
'I don't get it, why do some Glades get to hunt or explore' I said as I grab my walkie-talkie again. Just to have something in my hands. I always fidget with little things when I'm bothered or nervous. My mom does it too, so I guess it's a family treat.
The walkie-talkie isn't working though. In fact it's as broken as it could possibly be, but I decided to make it my project for the upcoming time. I kinda like repairing things and how cool would it be for me, Alexis and Sam to have our own way of communicating when we're not together?
'Ailith I get it, you want to do something else. But would you please just listen to me for a second' she said, still smiling. However that smiled turned into a grime the longer she looked at me.
'Now let's get back to why I'm here' Meridia said switching the subject.
''right' I say as I put the walkie-talkie back down.
'Now, I know you really want to do more than harvesting crops and repairing buildings, even though you're very good at that. And the team and me want to give you a change' she smiled.
This couldn't be real, I told myself. She was not saying what I thought she was saying.
'Now, our village has run out of riverstones, you know, the ones that power the electricity around here' Meridia told me.
Of course I know what riverstones are, how stupid did she think I was?
Riverstones were little blue crystals that grew down the river. They lit up when it got dark, and our villages used their power to generate electricity.
I've heard a river filled with riverstones at dark is one of the most magical things you can see.
'I'm sending Sam and you out there to go get them' she said.
'Wait Sam?' I screamed and jumped up. Sam is my best friend. He is probably the most innocent little kitten you will ever meet. He might be a little of an outsider but yeah, so am I so I guess it's a good match.
'Yes sweetheart Sam' she said.
'But, wait, what about Alexis?'
And there I introduced my other best friend to you. Alexis is a really stubborn one and she's probably smarter than me, Sam and Meridia combined. Even though I'm not sure adding Meridia works in our favor.
'Alexis has gotten a different assignment. One that matches her' she answered my question.
'And you're telling me Sam and mine do match?' I asked sceptical.
'Just accept it' she was done with me now.
'So do all kids get an assignment?'
'Yes, everyone gets one'
'Why this year?' That's something I'm curious about. The 17-years-old has never gotten assignments.
'It's something new. The team and I decided it was a good idea' Meridia said.
There's that team again. I guess the number one member is Meridia and all of the others didn't really agree on getting involved but were forced to by strawberry milkshake.
'Cool' I added.
'It sure is. And if you don't mind, I've got more work to do to do' she said as she got up and grabbed her jacket from one of the chairs.
'Of course not, I'm sure you are very busy' I said as I walked to the kitchen.
'You're not letting me out?' she asked perplex.
'I assumed you were smart enough to find the door yourself'
Maybe I shouldn't have said that to one of the most admired woman in my village but whatever, what do they say? You only live once right?
'Watch your words young lady' she huffed, walked out and slammed the door behind her.
She tried to look pissed but in those pink stilettos it looked more like poodle with a bad haircut that tried to bark.
'Subtle' my mom finally opened her mouth.
'You're mad?' I ask and bite my lip.
'Nah, she had it coming' she winked again. 'But you really do need to learn to keep your mouth shut if you want to accomplish this'
And that's when the realisation hit me. I was given the chance to prove my worth!
I got to see more than this village, I got to explore everything myself!
I guess my mom read my mind because she said: 'You're not an explorer yet girl'
'I know I know I just.... I finally get to go out there!' I yell out of excitement.
'If I were you I would go and tell Sam little raspberry' she said.
'Ugh mom please no' I respond and I give her a disgusted look. 'I'm not a little girl anymore'
'You'll always be my little girl' she smiled. 'No matter what I will be proud of you'
'You know you don't have to pep talk me' I say as I look at her, not being able to prevent a smile from taking over my face.
'O please just let me have my moment. My daughter is growing so fast!' she says as she slaps me playfully. 'And now go change and find Sam'
'I will' I said as I hopped up from the table I was sitting on. This was gonna be amazing.

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