Chapter 1

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I woke up in my bed, tired and exhausted. My brown hair trailed down past my shoulders, knotted and fuzzed up around the ends of my hair.

"Sarah, get up, it's time for breakfast!", my mother called from downstairs.

"I'm coming, I called back as I threw the covers back and jumped out of bed before flinging the door open and racing down the stairs, where the smell of toast wafted through the cool morning air. When I emerged from around the staircase, I walked into the kitchen, only to find my parents sitting at the table eating breakfast, my sister Kaity, was in the living room watching tv. I knew that they knew I was standing there, but no one even looked up, it was if I wasn't even standing there at all. I took a deep breath and walked to the sink.

"Good morning", I chirped.

"Aren't you late for school?", my mother droned.

"I was going to go in late today", I said biting back my true feelings.

Once again the table had been set for five not four, nothing was like it used to be ever since my nana died last December. She had lived with us for what felt like an eternity and she had become so close to all of us, her death was so sudden and everyone started only saying the bare minimum amount of words to each other, so our relationships with each other had kind of become none existent. I only had a few friends at school but they are so supportive that I don't care. It's just amazing to see how one person like nana, could change everyone's feelings and how we communicated with each other. I used to hang out with her more then most of the other family members, I used to look after her more too. Anyway enough about that, I grabbed my bag, said goodbye to my family, who just nodded, and ran through the door.

At school I met up with my three best friends Jess, Miranda and Rachael. We weren't the popular kids at school, but we certainly weren't the lame kids, we were somewhere in the middle, cool but we didn't have many people who wanted to be our friend.

"Have you seen the new kid, Alex. He's really cute", said Jess.

"Yeah he's like, so cute", Miranda and Rachael said simultaneously.

Usually I zoned out when they started talking about boys. For me it wasn't about looking good and gossiping, I usually liked too read and explore places, but today, when I saw him, for a few seconds everything I was against and everything I was thinking suddenly went away. I had never felt so drawn to someone in my entire life. But I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when the first bell of the day rang and everyone started running off to class.

The class waited for the teacher to open the door to our classroom, while we held our books and pencil cases in our arms. The teacher came and opened the door as we walked in waiting to start the History lesson. I usually sat by myself at the front, I quite liked History while everyone else found it boring. The teacher, Mr Walts, was about to start when there was a knock at the door. The cute boy, Alex, stuck his head through the door and smiled sheepishly. "Hi sir, I'm Alex. I'm new," he said nervously. The teacher nodded in amusement and understanding,"Please take a seat."

Alex looked around the classroom and sat down beside me, "Hi," he said smiling warmly at me.

I could feel my cheeks burn a bright red, "H-hi," I managed as my eyes darted around the room.

Alex had brown eyes like me and brown hair that was sweeped to the side in a cute fashion.

"Do you like History?" he asked me. Someone groaned as I started smiling, "Yes, I love History. I find it completely astounding and fascinating that we can find items and treasures from the past." Alex smiled and I blushed harder "Sorry..." I murmured.

"What are you sorry for?" he asked and I blushed harder and shook my head.

"Nothing", I replied quietly.

For the rest of the lesson we discussed how we both loved history and we discovered that we were actually more alike than we thought. At the end of the lesson we grabbed our bags and forwarded out of the class, he grabbed my arms and spun me around to face him. All the other kids had run off and it was just the two of us.

"Come with me this Friday, there this... Um.. We'll there's this carnival that's in town and I really want to go, and I guess I was wondering if you would want to go with me?",

This time it was him who was blushing.

"Are you asking me out?", I replied with a big grin on my face.

"Yeah, I guess I am", he replied, looking nervous as hell.

At the last bell of the day I tried to avoid my friends as they would have probably heard that I was going on a date with Alex. So I went the back way, I walked around the corner of the last classroom and stopped right in my tracks. Alex was standing there at the gate, I knew I should go talk to him but I didn't really feel like it at the moment. He had asked me out after all and I didn't want him to change his mind. So I turned around and walked out the front gate of the school, thankfully by the time I got there my friends were gone. I started walking home trying to hide my excitement about how I had got a date with the new kid at school. Suddenly I understood how all the other girls felt about guys. But I felt sad that my opinions were changing about who I was.

Why is love so complicated?

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