Full Power

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A/N I drew those two pictures

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A/N I drew those two pictures. It was my first time drawing a picture with-out copying it off another picture >.< I hope you like them XD P.s I do not own the picture at the top

Soarin POV

"Soarin, hurry up! We're going to be late! The others are meeting us at the beach at 11!"Dash yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs. We are going to the beach with Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Rarity, Thunderlane, Fluttershy, Discord, Sunset Shimmer, Flash and Applejack(AJ's a loner) I grab my stuff and run downstairs."OK, I'm ready" We get into Dash's car and drive off.

~Time Skip~

Dash POV

"Hey Dashie, Hey Soarin!" Pinkie screamed as we walk toward the group."Girl's c'mon let's get dresses" Sunset leads us to the bathrooms. We go in and get into our togs. I was wearing a white top with my symbol on it and some blue shorts. Rarity was wearing plain purple, Sunset-red, Fluttershy-light pink, Pinkie-pink pink and AJ-orange. We put our clothes into our cars and walk to the water where we meet the guys. I couldn't help but notice Flash staring at me.*Sigh* "C'mon, let's not waste any time!" Pinkie scream. I take Soarin's hand in mine as we walk to the water."Hey do you want to go out and swim around the reefs?" Soarin asks me."OK" We wade out into the deeper water and dive under. I spread my wings so I can glide through the water without upsetting the fish and so I don't have to move my arms and legs as much. We swim over a multi coloured coral reef full of all kinds of fish. After some time of watching the fish we swim back to the rest of the group."Hey Dashie!" Pinkie calls. I look at her as she splashes a handful of water in my face. The escalated to the whole group having a water fight. Once we stopped we stood around laughing for a while as we caught our breath. I felt some one slap my arse. I turned around, half expecting to see Soarin, so I had a playful face. But instead, I saw Flash. My blood boiled as I got mad. I extended my wings to their full size and started shaking them. He is going to pay.

Flash POV

Shit!"Dude, you fucked up" Discord said backing away."Hard" Remarked Thunderlane."You think I don't know that!?" I was backing away as Rainbow Dash was coming toward me. Her skin was turning white and her togs were changing colour, from white to black and the symbol turned grey. Her hair started acting like fire, It was in the air flickering and moving. Her wings turned from cyan to white. I was scared, really scared.

Soarin POV

Uhh, I would be mad at Flash right now, but it looks like he's going to get a hiding from Dash anyway. I just move slowly away like the others."What do have to say for yourself, Flash" Dash's voice was loud and angry."S-s-s-s-s-sorry" Flash whimpered as he backed into a rock-face."Not good enough!" Dash had magic flowing from her hands up her arms and trailing and flickering around. It wrapped around Flash like snakes and now had him suspended in the air. Dash's magic pulled out his wings and pinned them against the rock-face."You will feel the pain and anger I feel!" Dash jumped into the sky, her hair like a wildfire burning and her magnificent white wings beating. The magic was no longer flowing from her hands but hand blinded Flash to the rock. Instead Dash formed a multi coloured orb of magic in her hands.

(Like this picture, but imagine that dash looked like the picture up top. BTW this picture isn't mine, I just searched up MLP Inverse Prism)

 BTW this picture isn't mine, I just searched up MLP Inverse Prism)

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The magic flew straight into Flash. We could see a variety of emotions: Anger, sadness, grief, regret, just to name a few. The magic dispersed, letting Flash to his feet as Dash landed. Flash stumbled back to his car and sat inside it. Dash's wings had returned to their normal colour and were folded away, same as her togs. Her hair had died down and went back to normal. She looked exhausted. I ran to her as she collapsed and fainted. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the car and drove her home. I carried her inside and lay her on the bed. I really hope she's OK. I kissed her on the forehead and sat down on the bed."I love you Dash"

Do you really love me? SoarinDashWhere stories live. Discover now