Cats Birthday

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Cat pov
I woke up to see joe gone i got up checking my phone it was 12 i got up walking into my bathroom i got my shower and got dressed in

I smiled at how pretty i was pic above of me i walked out of the bathroom today i turn 25 i walked downstairs to see joe on the couch fully dressed he looked up from his phone at me up and down smiling and biting his lipJoe:Damn baby is it my birt...

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I smiled at how pretty i was pic above of me i walked out of the bathroom today i turn 25 i walked downstairs to see joe on the couch fully dressed he looked up from his phone at me up and down smiling and biting his lip
Joe:Damn baby is it my birthday or yours
I giggled he stood up grabbing my waist as we kissed i pulled away interwining our fingers
Joe:Happy birthday baby
Me:Thanks babe
Joe moved a pillow on the couch picking up a box handing it to me i smiled unwrapping it looking at a beautiful tiara
Me:Oh my god
Joe chuckled putting it on my head
Me:Thank you baby
Joe:Your welcome baby but i hope you know theres more
Joe:Babe todays about you so i wanted to spoil you
Me:You didn't have to
Joe:I wanted to so i did you deserve the best baby cause you are i love you
Tears grew in my eyes
Me:Aww baby
joe chuckled wiping them he pulled me into his arms
Me:I love you too
We pecked each others lips
Joe:Well birthday girl what do you wanna do first
Me:I wanna cuddle with my man at the movies
Joe:Sounds good baby
Me and joe kissed again
Me:Where are the girls
Joe:With my parents they will be at your birthday dinner
Joe;Yea they like you baby
I smiled
Joe:Ready baby
Joe chuckled we walked out the door
In the car
I was on snapchat when joe looks over at me and chuckles
Me:I look cute
Joe:You look sexy
I giggled
Me:Id kiss you right now but i dont wanna die
Joe chuckled
Joe:What movie you wanna see baby
Me:I wanna see...Lights out
Joe:I heard it ms a good movie
Me:Whats good about a horror
I giggled
Joe:a good horror movie
I giggled as joe smiled we pulled up and joe got out and opened my door helping me out i smiled we intertwined our fingers walking in
Joe:Two tickets for lights out
I grabbed my wallet
Joe:What are you doing
Me:I wanna pay
Joe:No im paying
Joe:Whos birthday is it
Joe:So who should be paying
Joe:Cat put you wallet away
Me:No joe i wanna pay
Joe:Whats that over there
Joe pointed behind me i looked i didnt see anything then i heard a click
Cashier:Have a nice day
Joe:Lets go baby
Me:I'm mad at you
Joe:Thats fine baby
Joe chuckled kissing my lips then we walked inside the theater
Joe:you want something to eat baby
We sat down and watched the movie
Me:Your not showing me any attention
Joe:Baby im trynna watch the movie
Joe looked at me then he pulled me into his lap
Joe:Your gonna redbox me this movie
Me:Yea I will
Joe chuckled
Joe kissed my lips i kissed back running my fingers threw his hair making the kiss deeper then we pulled away I giggled joe kissed my neck
Me:Baby stop
Joe:What i like doing this
I giggled again then we cuddled the rest of the movie
After the movie
Joe:Ready to go babygirl
Joe pov
We got up walking out of the movie theater then my phone rang
???:Daddy where are you
Me:Im with cat jojo what do you want
Joelle:Can you come get us
Me:No jojo you and angel are with grandma and grandpa ok
Joelle:Awww man daddy can we come home after dinner
Me:You are but angel isnt
I hung up walking out to the car to see cat sitting on top of it i walked over to her standing in between her legs we kissed as cat giggled and ran her fingers threw my hair then we pulled away
Me:Text my mom and tell her we will be late
Cat:Why were are we going
Me:You will see
I chuckled cat got in the car and shut her door
Cat:Come on baby
I got in the car reaching in my pocket pulling out a blindfold
Cat sighed i put the blindfold on her then kissed her lips then we pulled away i pulled out driving off
Cat:Are we there yet
Me:I just pulled out
Cat:Are we there yet
Cat:Are we there yet
Cat:Are we there yet
Cat:Are we there yet
Me:Cat go to sleep
Cat layed down in her seat slowly falling asleep i chuckled driving down the road
1 hour later
Me:babygirl wake up
Cat whined
Me:Come on babygirl we are here
Cat sat up taking off her blindfold looking around
Cat:You brought me to the pet shop
Cat:Babe i coulda did this myself
Me;I beat you to it
Cat wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me
Cat:I love you so fucking much
I chuckled
Me:I love you too baby
We kissed passionately then pulled away Cat reached in the backseat grabbing my jacket and putting it on
Cat:Come on baby
I got out the car then cat did we held hands we walked inside i slipped her blindfold back on she sighed again
Me:This is the last time you gotta wear it baby
I leaded her right to the front they brought the baby husky i had got for cat in its cage then he barked making cat jump i took off her blindfold she looked at the husky and her eyes widened i chuckled
Cat:He's sooo cute can i have him
I chuckled cat looked at me in confusion
Cat:Im serious whats funny
Me:Baby hes already yours
Cat happily squealed i chuckled she wrapped her arms around my neck as we kissed again then pulled away
Me:go name him baby and sign the papers
She walked up to the desk writing something down then walking back over to me
Cat:I named him Rocky
Cat:I dont know what it is i just always liked that name
I chuckled
Me:Whatever you want baby
I picked up the cage as we made our way out the pet store back to the car i opened the back door sitting the dog cage in the seat and shutting the door as we got back in
Me:What time is it
Me:ok lets go eat
Cat:wait baby
Cat:i want a baby
Cat:No we are alone now lets talk about this i want a baby
Me:Cat im gonna be totally honest with you im not ready to have a third kid
Cat:I am baby please
Me:No Cat ok case closed
Cat:Ok joe im sorry
Cat:No joe just take me back so today can be over with lets just eat and go home forget this conversation ever happened
Without a word i pulled out a drove down the road in silence the only noise was of rocky barking
30 minutes later
I pulled up to the restaurant and cut off the car immediately getting out and opening cats door so she could get out i opened the backseat reaching in the floor grabbing the leash i bought rocky i opened his cage letting him hop out and i hooked on his leash to his collar so he could go in the resturant i walked him to the door then waited on cat to fix her dress i opened the door for her as she walked in everyone began singing 'Happy Birthday' except joelle who ran to rocky and started petting him when they were done i pulled put cats chair so she could sit
Joelle:Daddy whos doggy
Joelle:Whats his name
Angel looked at the puppy then immediately got scared
Me:You wanna pet him angel
Angel shook her head
Me:You need to hes gonna be living with us
Rocky hopped onto angels chair and she squealed and fell off backwards she got back up running to my mom
Cat:Come here rocky boy
I handed her the leash as rocky hopped onto her lap
Me:Im suprised they let dogs in here
Mom:They only let rocky in because its cats birthday
We ordered and ate the food later they brought in cake we just basically had a good time
After dinner
Mom:So whats the plan joe
Me:Angel will stay with you and dad and we will take joelle
Me:Cat will pick her up at 1 pm take her to get her hair and everything did we will throw a party at the beach for it
Mom:Ok then thats fine
I grabbed my keys walking out to the car to see everyone cat and joelle already in it i got in and drove us home
At home
We walked in the house joelle ran upstairs with rocky and cat went straight upstairs i shut the door locking it i put all of cats unopened presents in the closet
Then i shut it back cat hasnt said a word to me since that conversation i have to admit i was a bit hard on her but it was on purpose i walked upstairs to our room i opened the door to see the light out i smirked taking off my shirt walking in and shutting the door behind me i crawled on the bed wrapping one arm around cat
Cat:Move Joe im mad at you
Me:Im sorry baby
I started kissing her neck i heard a light whimper then she tryed pushing me off i held down her arms then started giving her hickeys trying to get her to moan but she was fighting it hard i heard her breathing speed up i kissed her lips then down to her chest leaving love marks then a sexy moan escaped her lips the bulge in my pants got bigger i reached up kissing her lips she kissed back then we pulled away then it led to us having sex

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