no idea

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Me:Oh my god
Joe:What the hell is going on
CS:Are you this little girls adopted parents
CS:You recently signed her over to Antonio Martinez is this correct
CS:Child services recently payed the household a visit to make sure the environment was safe and we found her with a black eye and bruised cheek Martinez failed the inspection so we were ordered to bring her back and to let you know he had a warrant out for his arrest for child molestation back in 2013 we arent sure if hes touched her bring her to the station later to run a rape test
Joe:Yes sir
CS:Alright have a good evening
Angel walked in i shut the door locking it angel ran in joes arms hugging him then angel started crying
Joe:I got you babygirl
Joe lifted her up she cryed on his shoulder then joelle walked downstairs
Joelle:Whos crying its not joey hes sleep...Angel!!!
Me:No joelle nows not a good time
Joelle:Why not
I grabbed joelles arm leading her back upstairs to her room we walked in and sat on thr bed i shut the door
Joelle:Whats wrong with my sister
Me:I'll explain later but they are having a daddy daughter moment
Joelle:Well why arent you down there
Me:Because im the step mom
Joelle:How long is the daddy daughter moment
Me:As long as it needs to be
I walked out of joelles room peeking downstairs to see Angel still in joes arms i walking back upstairs until...
Joe:You can come down cat
I walked back downstairs
Joe:Im suprised your walking just fine from last night
I looked at joe and giggled then i heard crying
Me:My baby's awake
Then joe quickly turned around looking at me
Joe:Your baby did you make him by yourself?
Me:Our baby then damn
Joe:That's better
I ran upstairs to joelles room walking in to see him standing in his crib crying i walked over to him picking him up placing him on my hip
Joelle:Why is there a crib in my room,angels room,his room,and you and daddys room
Me:Because there are times when he wants to be with his big sisters or just with me and joe and we are scared we will loose him so we just put a crib in every room so he would have his own space
I walked out of joelles room joseph slept in joelles room last night because he wouldn't stop crying in his so joe put in there with her i grabbed his pacifier giving in to him and he hushed i walked back downstairs sitting on the couch with Joseph in my arms then rocky jumped on the couch and started licking josephs face making his little baby laugh come out i looked at joe who walked in the kitchen opening the freezer getting an ice pack for angels face she wasnt crying anymore she was just resting her head on his shoulder he held the icepack to her face i sat Joseph on the sofa so he could crawl around
Joe:Put pillows on the floor so if he crawls off
Me:He wont crawl off im here
Joe looked at me
Joe:Put pillows on the floor hes gonna fall
Me:Hes not gonna fall joe im here watching him
Then Joseph rolled off the edge falling onto the floor crying
I quickly picked him up as he loudly cryed
Joe:What did i tell you i thought you said you were watching him
Joe:He hit the back of his head on the tile floor hes gonna have trouble going to sleep
Me:You think i dont know this
Joe:I wasnt the one that layed a baby on the sofa without anything on the floor
Me:But you did give your daughter away
Joe:No we gave our daughter away to whom we thought was her real father which he was but he had the law on his back
Me:Yea yea same thing
Joseph wouldnt stop crying he just looked at joe and kept crying
Joe:lemme see him
I walked over to Joe he put angel on one side of his lap she sat there holding the ice to her cheek i handed him joseph who was wanted to dive out of my arms himself to be in joes he held him rubbing his back then he finally hushed joe put his pacifier back in angel hopped down from his lap grabbing her suitcase dragging it back upstairs to her room then joe looked at me
Joe:Your turn to sit on daddys lap
I giggled
Me:Your holding the baby
Joe pulled me onto his lap kissing my cheek then Joseph whined pushing back joe head hugging me i picked him up joe kissed me cheek again Joseph whined hitting him in the face then hugging me then joe grabbed my chin kissing my lips then Joseph screamed moving joes head
Me;Someone's jealous
I kissed josephs cheek he smiles babbling
Joe:i wanna kiss
I kissed joe cheek Joseph screamed about to cry i pulled away he started to cry
Me:aww Mommy won't do it again
Then he stopped i stood up
Joe:She loves me more
Then it was either just me or what but i swear i thought he screamed at joe i looked at joe who heard it too
Joe:Did our 6 month old baby just scream at me
Me:I think so he's growing up so fast
I walked over to his playpen sitting him in it so he could crawl around i looked at joe who was texting
Joe:Babe i gotta go to a meeting
Me:A meeting?Joe its sunday
Joe:I know but Stephanie wanted me and a couple other superstars at her office for a quick meeting
Me:Wwe cooperation is closed
Joe:Its for wrestlemania
Joe went upstairs grabbing his keys walking downstairs
Angel:Daddy!!!Daddy where are you going
Joe:out for a little bit
Angel:I wanna go
Joe:You cant
Angel:Why not
Joe:Because its important
Angel:I'll be good take me with you please
Joe sighed.
Joe:Go get your shoes
Angel ran upstairs grabbing her shoes then followed joe out the door
Joe pov
I didnt expect angel to tag along when she finds out shes gonna have to keep it secret from Cat i walked out to the car Angel got in the back i got in Angel shut her door
Me:Angel daddy hasa secret okay but you cannot tell cat at all okay
I sighed starting the car then i sent Brie bella a text
        To brie:
  I gotta see you again but my youngest daughters with me
I drove down the road a few minutes later she texted back along with a picture
              From brie:
   I gotta see you too I couldn't do everything you asked me to last time but i can make you pretty happy this time
I then texted back
To brie:
Good that's what i wanna hear
Five minutes later she texted back
From brie:
Nobody knows right
Then i dialed her number
Me:No noone knows except angel now she can't tell she certainly wont be in the room with us
Brie:Good joe i don't know how long i can keep this up i almost risked it all last time
Me:I just need a couple more weeks with you brie
Brie:What about cat
Me:She has no idea at all
Me:Will it fit this time we couldn't do anything last time because it didn't fit
Brie:I made sure
Me:ok see you when i get there
Cat pov
I walked upstairs opening the closet a million things were running through my head but i trust him i grabbed the dirty clothes hamper then something fell out it was......

What do you think joes doing and what do you think cat found?

ADOPTED BY ROMAN REIGNSWhere stories live. Discover now