Drama Part 2

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Joe pov. 
Me:Wow you've gotta be fucking kidding me are you serious you really dont trust me do you what the fuck
Anger ran threw me i quickly put ny son down walking upstairs
Cat pov
I honestly didnt know what to believe anymore or why he got so pissed off i mean if he didn't cheat then no sweat but if he's freaking out and cussing this hard a i dont know anymore i was deep in thought wheni heard a loud thud i went upstairs to see joe had punched a hole in the wall and he started throwing things breaking things i was scared i deadass didnt know what to do
Me:Joe stop
I walked over to him grabbing his arms looking up at him
Me:Joe what's going on really im fed up you only do shit like this when your hiding stuff and i wanna know what the fuck it is
Joe sighed not looking at me
Joe:Im not taking that fucking test
Me:Why not
Me:Why not joe
Joe pulled away from me grabbing his keys
Joe:Im just not
Then he just left without another word
Joseph looked at the door watching his dad leave
2 am
I woke up in my bedroom to joe walking in
Joe:Hey babe
I ignored him he stripped down in his boxers crawling in bed on top of me i pushed him off
Joe:Babe quit playing
Me:Get away from me
I smelled nothing but alcohol in his breath i got out of bed cutting on the lamp glaring at him
Me;Where have you been
Joe:None of your business
Me:Im your fucking fiance but its none of my business
Joe:Mann shut the fuck up
Me:You better be glad your ass is drunk or else
Joe:Or else what
Me:Or else your ass would've been out of here
Joe; quit bitching and get over here im horny again
Joe:Are you coming over here or not cause i can easily get a one night stand
My eyes widened i teared up
Joe:You know what fuck this im fucking horny that's why i cheated on you twice
Me:What oh wow really so what the fuck was this damn ring for huh
Joe just stood there looking dumbfounded i sighed
Me:Get the hell out
Joe got dressed and left i slammed the door in tears taking off the ring and throwing it outside his drunk ass can get his shit and get the hell out tomorrow i sighed grabbing my phone sending him a text and crawled in bed crying my eyes out
3 am
I heard a knock at the front door i crawled out of bed walking to the front door to see colby
Colby:I saw joe walking with galina in his arms is everything okay?
I shook my head not suprised at all that bitch was supposed to be arrested everything ive done for that ungrateful bastard
Colby:Do you wanna talk about it
I let Colby in we started talking the situation then ot led to us reminiscing about us being together and from there things moved to us having sex
The next morning
Joe pov
I woke up in an unfamiliar room naked with a massive ass headache i looked to ny left to see galina sleeping she was naked too i double checked the sheets amd found a condom thank goodness i cant believe this happened again i checked my phone to find a text from cat
From Bae:
I cant believe you did that after everything we've been through consider us over you ungrateful bastard i wish you the best in life cause i really dont wanna see your ass again and your never gonna see your son either im tired of taking care you of your kids while your out whoring around but you know what we are DONE delete my number dont ever call or text me again by the way you and your daughters items are already packed just pick them up and leave
I sat there completely feeling completely guilty and scared of what i might've said....What did i say?
I got up getting redressed and Galina woke up
Galina:Leaving so soon baby?
Me: what happened?
Galina:Well isn't it obvious you told her about us she kicked you out
I sighed
Me:Galina looked what happened between us was a mistake I love cat
Galina: Then why'd did we have sex
Me:I was drunk I was shitfaced drunk and I gotta see if I can fix this
Galina:mmk see you when you get back
I rolled my eyes grabbing my keys and left
I woke up naked in bed alone I slid on my robe walking downstairs too hear Joseph giggling I looked and saw him playing with Colby he looked up and smiled
Colby:Hey I hope its OK I stuck around
Me:Its fine
I walked to the kitchen to see coffee made
Colby:oh yea I made coffee too
I smiled pouring a cup full I put sweetener in it and drank it then there was a banging on the door I opened it to see Joe he tried to kiss me I dodged it
Me:get your shit and go
Joe walked in looking at Joseph playing with Colby's hair
Joe:Why is he holding my son
Me: You mean my son and because I let him
Joe:Cat look I...
Me:Get you stuff and go please
Joe: I love you
Me;Fuck that you love Galina you fucked her three times
Joe:It wasn't even like that cat
Me:Whatever just leave you lied and cheated Joe I fucking loved you I took care of you when.and your kids when you found out she was beating them o took you in and this is how you repay me a pity wedding ring and a 'That's why I cheated on you twice' plus last night 3 fucking times
Joe:Cat no look the first time was just last year OK the second time was when we fought and you had left all day Galina came over and wouldn't leave
Me:You had that bitch in my fucking bed?!?!
Me:Wow what the fuck
Joe:Cat please I...
Me:Just leave me alone its over
Joe:Your one to talk why the fuck is he here
Me:He comforted me after your drunk presence last night Joe unlike you he cares
Joe stood there glaring at me
Joe:So its like that now?
Me:You made it this way
Joe grabbed his and his kids bags and left I shut the door
Colby:..Look cat anytime you need me I'll be around all you gotta do is call and I'll be here because like you said I care and I do I really do care alot
Me:Thanks Colby but I'm not gonna be in anything serious for a while
Colby:I'm fine with that just want you to know I'm here for you

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