Chapter 1

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"Rose... Stop" I said as I wrapped my hand around her fist attempting to stop her from punching one of seven guardians surrounding us. As we stood backed up against a car on the empty street. I could feel her confusion pulsating through the bond.

"Rose you know as well as I do that we are going to need a lot of help in the next couple of months." 

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's this group, that are the ones we need, we know nothing about them."  Rose argued with me.

I could see the Guardians all standing there watching us like we are insane, as Rose and I had our own conversation they couldn't possible understand, through the bond they knew nothing about. 

"Liss do you really believe the Academy's Guardians are good enough to protect us in what is to come in next couple of months?" Rose asked me without realizing she had it out loud.

"Excuse me just who in the hell do you think you are saying we are not good enough to protect the prin..."

"Shut up! Do not say her full name out on the street where other people or even strigoi can hear you, you idiot. God, did whatever academy you went not teach you anything?!" Rose interrupted the now flustered guardian with a frustrated growl.

"Liss, how are we supposed to find out if we can trust them?" 

"Well, I could use compulsion on them. Get them to answer any questions  that you may have about them, their motives, their past whatever it takes for you to be comfortable with them, until we can get back to the academy. Will that work for you?"  I said to her through the bond.

"Yea, that would work. Can you do them all at once or do you need to do it in smaller groups." 

"I can compel them all at the same time. You can do the questioning and when we have the information we need. I can make them think it never happened. I think that would work far better than having them know we used compulsion on them. Don't you?"  

"Yea that shou... we are about to have company."

"How many?"

"8-10, alright you six this is your first test, on whether or not you can protect her. Anything goes wrong and I mean anything, and it will be the end of you! Do you understand me?"

"We don't have to listen to you. You are a runaway novice turned blood whore, your worthless and useless." The youngest guardian spat at Rose. She turns to me and laughs.

"Boy, they really have no idea who they are fucking with do they?" RoRo asked me with a huge smirk on her face.

"No, Rose they don't. You show them and I'll tell them, then we'll see who's really running this show." I laugh at the faces that they are making now and the ones that they are going to be making when they find out what they've just stumbled into.

Rose puts her hair up in a bun so the guardians can see her neck. 

"Rose take off your top shirt please. Now gentlemen please let me introduce to you, THE DEADLIEST ROSE."

"Turn around and let them see what we have been dealing with for the last two years." Rose slowly turns around so that all the guardians can see her neck and back. There are gasps, grunts, and groans from all of the guardians including the one that is to be Rose's true love. I can already see their aura's reaching for each other. It won't be long now, a few hours or a few days but he is definitely THE CRADLE.

I could hear a few of the guardians discussing how they had heard of THE DEADLIEST ROSE but how they thought she would be older and already a sanctioned guardian.

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